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    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Hi Joebloggs

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    hardly anyone on here has used an agency, if your case is straight forward there is no need for one, why waste money paying someone else to do what most people on here have done for them self, after all its you that will have to get all the evidence together and meet the criteria (income, accommodation, genuine relationship) not the agency, so most of the work you will have to do yourself anyway - as this will decide on whether visa is granted or not

    most on here have not been refused a visa who didn't use an agency, after all why trust something so important with someone else.

    but at the end of the day its your choice
    We're definitely considering it now even getting married here in the Philippines too. We're trying to talk about it now. Thank you

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor03 View Post
    We're definitely considering it now even getting married here in the Philippines too. We're trying to talk about it now. Thank you
    send the money on your wedding in the phils instead, start collecting evidence your relationship is genuine, as long as your husband earns £18.6k a yr and has suitable accommodation for you that's not over crowded you shouldn't have a problem getting a spouse visa.

  3. #3
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    send the money on your wedding in the phils instead, start collecting evidence your relationship is genuine, as long as your husband earns £18.6k a yr and has suitable accommodation for you that's not over crowded you shouldn't have a problem getting a spouse visa.
    No problem about the things u mention above Do you have any idea how long it will take to wait for a spouse visa?

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    Sheriel from Leyte

    Hello Miss Anna,we got married in Bay Bay City Leyte,and used Enhance Visa Services in Cebu to help with Spouse Visa,i have many freinds who use Enhance for Advice,and preparing Visa,Advice was for free,Fee for Visa,they were very helpful to us and many freinds here in Cornwall,England,Good luck for you in the Future with your Visa.

  5. #5
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Hey Sheriel

    Quote Originally Posted by sheriel View Post
    Hello Miss Anna,we got married in Bay Bay City Leyte,and used Enhance Visa Services in Cebu to help with Spouse Visa,i have many freinds who use Enhance for Advice,and preparing Visa,Advice was for free,Fee for Visa,they were very helpful to us and many freinds here in Cornwall,England,Good luck for you in the Future with your Visa.

    Will be using same agency as my friends are using it too and all their visa's are granted ( but we're considering not to use it now ) How long did it take for you to have your visa? Been in contact with them last year, but now didn't hear anything from them yet.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the same time it would take to get a fiancee visa anything from days to months, I would be just guessing

  7. #7
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the same time it would take to get a fiancee visa anything from days to months, I would be just guessing
    Thank u

  8. #8
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hi there

    Well back to the amount of time it takes to get married in Phils. It looks like where you slipped up before, was in the CNI. This can be a little confusing, but there is a thread somewhere on here about this. I though shall summarise, you might not even then need to find this thread.

    The confusing bit is - you don't have to wait that 28 days in Phils for the CNI. Right, your fiance needs to apply for it in the UK. He needs to go to a registry office a month at least before he is due to come over to Phils, and request this. It takes the 28 days here instead.

    He needs also to e-mail the embassy in Manila (or there are places in another city........sorry I've woken up early and I'm sort of zonked, I'll wake up soon), to make an appointment to swap this CNI he will get from the UK, for a local one.
    This you take to the council office or wherever in the town you are getting married in, they will then after 10 days wait give you a marriage licence which you can use to get married.
    You can of course - and obviously must - see the priest or wherever long before this to make the arrangements to get married. They can't actually marry you before the licence is issued, but obviously everyone knows it's on its way, so as long as you marry that 10 days after issue, everything is fine.

    So to look at a critical path. Say you arrive in Phils on the 1st, you have the appointment on the 2nd (remember - e-mail as far in advance as possible to get the day you want, if it's over a month in advance then it's near certain you will get the day you want at the embassy, oh and they are usually early morning). Take that local CNI to the council office say on the 3rd (allowing travel time), and you can marry on the 13th. That's less than 2 weeks.

    Now this needs planning, however as you can see it can be done. Make sure you have absolutely everything you need. As I say there is a thread on here somewhere, I shall find it and post later if you want (I need to go back to bed in a moment for a while, or someone else might post the link). There are other things you need.

    Oh one example of other things is your CENOMAR and one for him too. You obviously will know how to order one of these, He also needs one (I know, I know - just to show he never married in Phils). You need certain information from him about mothers name etc and this can be ordered by you or your family before he arrives - in fact this is pretty essential really. He could also order it over the internet to be posted to your family - it could for more money be posted to the UK but this takes a lot longer and frankly why on earth do this!

    Just make sure he brings absolutely everything you need to get married, check and check again.

    Oh and a personal tip - make sure at the council office that marriage licence is absolutely 100% correct. The officials sometimes get confused with birth dates, also sometimes confused that his mother doesn't have her last name before she got married as her middle name - they don't do that in the UK, she just changes her last name but keeps her middle name

    Good luck

  9. #9
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Hi Iani,

    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Hi there

    Well back to the amount of time it takes to get married in Phils. It looks like where you slipped up before, was in the CNI. This can be a little confusing, but there is a thread somewhere on here about this. I though shall summarise, you might not even then need to find this thread.

    The confusing is - you don't have to wait that 28 days in Phils for the CNI. Right your fiance needs to apply for it in the UK. He needs to go to a registry office a month at least before he is due to come over to Phils, and request this. It takes the 28 days here instead.

    He needs also to e-mail the embassy in Manila (or there are places in another city........sorry I've woken up early and I'm sort of zonked, I'll wake up soon), to make an appointment to swap this CNI he will get from the UK, for a local one.
    This you take to the council office or wherever in the town you are getting married in, they will then after 10 days wait give you a marriage licence which you can use to get married.
    You can of course - and obviously must - see the priest or wherever long before this to make the arrangements to get married. They can't actually marry you before the licence is issued, but obviously everyone knows it's on its way, so as long as you marry that 10 days after issue, everything is fine.

    So to look at a critical path. Say you arrive in Phils on the 1st, you have the appointment on the 2nd (remember - e-mail as far in advance as possible to get the day you want, if it's over a month in advance then it's near certain you will get the day you want at the embassy, oh and they are usually early morning). Take that local CNI to the council office say on the 3rd (allowing travel time), and you can marry on the 13th. That's less than 2 weeks.

    Now this needs planning, however as you can see it can be done. Make sure you have absolutely everything you need. As I say there is a thread on here somewhere, I shall find it and post later if you want (I need to go back to bed in a moment for a while, or someone else might post the link). There are other things you need.

    Oh one example of other things is your CENOMAR and one for him too. You obviously will know how to order one of these, He also needs one (I know, I know - just to show he never married in Phils). You need certain information from him about mothers name etc and this can be ordered by you or your family before he arrives - in fact this is pretty essential really. He could also order it over the internet to be posted to your family - it could for more money be posted to the UK but this takes a lot longer and frankly why on earth do this!

    Just make sure he brings absolutely everything you need to get married, check and check again.

    Oh and a personal tip - make sure at the council office that marriage licence is absolutely 100% correct. The officials sometimes get confused with birth dates, also sometimes confused that his mother doesn't have her last name before she got married as her middle name - they don't do that in the UK, she just changes her last name but keeps her middle name

    Good luck
    I just knew about it today I wish I joined this forum site before he went here for the first time we could've been married then. I didn't know this site existed though.. This is a big help to us

  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor03 View Post
    I just knew about it today I wish I joined this forum site before he went here for the first time we could've been married then. I didn't know this site exist though.. This is a big help to us
    See, who needs agents when you've got all the information you need on here free of charge. Good Luck

  11. #11
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    See, who needs agents when you've got all the information you need on here free of charge. Good Luck
    I know, since we knew all of this stuff we need a new plan that will include maybe getting married here... Thank u

  12. #12
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Spouse visa times? Well as already said, actually the "service level" is 3 months - it's "supposed" to take that time maximum, that's almost the law.

    In reality, it doesn't have to take that long, and it seems from reading at the moment it's taking just over a month. All depends though, key is preparation, it might take a while to get together all the evidence, that's down to the two of you

  13. #13
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Awww don't be sad <--- have a hug.

    Yes, it's a pity of course you didn't know this, but come on - now you do, and you can plan something extremely exciting and happy - you two getting married.
    Let's look forward not back

  14. #14
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Awww don't be sad <--- have a hug.

    Yes, it's a pity of course you didn't know this, but come on - now you do, and you can plan something extremely exciting and happy - you two getting married.
    Let's look forward not back
    I know, it's just that we're that close to being married and hey,thank for cheering me up

  15. #15
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    All my visa application from tourist visa to Spouse we did it by ourselves and there's no hassle everything is fine. Agency is just only 1 of the money making in the Philippines it's totally waste of Money. SPOUSE visa is a good option if you have plan to work when you arrive here... Hope when you apply visa in the future will be successful. good luck!

  16. #16
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovejoy View Post
    All my visa application from tourist visa to Spouse we did it by ourselves and there's no hassle everything is fine. Agency is just only 1 of the money making in the Philippines it's totally waste of Money. SPOUSE visa is a good option if you have plan to work when you arrive here... Hope when you apply visa in the future will be successful. good luck!
    Looks like we don't need it nemore coz all the info's that are needed are here

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor03 View Post
    Looks like we don't need it nemore coz all the info's that are needed are here
    it is, Mariam ... Goodluck with it!

  18. #18
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    To be honest, it is quite expensive to go to agency when you can do things yourself. I agree with Rayna about using the money for the wedding or visa application instead.

    You should consider these options:
    Option 1. a. Get married in Phils
    b. Apply for Leave to Remain straight away

    Option 2. a. Apply for FLR M
    b. Get married in the UK within 6 months
    c. Apply for Leave to Remain

    Good luck Mcgregor03 with whatever path you take. And welcome to the forum

  19. #19
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedMe View Post
    To be honest, it is quite expensive to go to agency when you can do things yourself. I agree with Rayna about using the money for the wedding or visa application instead.

    You should consider these options:
    Option 1. a. Get married in Phils
    b. Apply for Leave to Remain straight away

    Option 2. a. Apply for FLR M
    b. Get married in the UK within 6 months
    c. Apply for Leave to Remain

    Good luck Mcgregor03 with whatever path you take. And welcome to the forum
    We're still waiting for the ans. from the consulate in Cebu and if it's a yes then we'll get married here I hope it will be a yes though coz getting married in UK is too hassle I think especially when it comes to proofs
    And thank u

  20. #20
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Been reading this thread closely and my advice to you would be to totally ditch the idea of using an agent as the guys on here have said this is advice from me who has been down this route I will explain...

    A while back I used an agency a very well known one here in the UK and yes was given very sound advice how to go about gathering the required evidence for my wifes spousal visa and the cost was £1440

    As guys on here know this and were really shocked at the cost but I was nieve and due to circumstances I hired them, that was a week before I found this website.

    I can honestly say the advice and help I received on here was a lot more helpful and informed and basically what I already knew but reinforced my belief that this could be done just with a little knowledge from people who know and have experienced this.

    I for one had a very positive outcome have as many others, so I will just say keep looking into this wonderful forum and I promise you that you wont be disappointed.

    Good Luck...

  21. #21
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Been reading this thread closely and my advice to you would be to totally ditch the idea of using an agent as the guys on here have said this is advice from me who has been down this route I will explain...

    A while back I used an agency a very well known one here in the UK and yes was given very sound advice how to go about gathering the required evidence for my wifes spousal visa and the cost was £1440

    As guys on here know this and were really shocked at the cost but I was nieve and due to circumstances I hired them, that was a week before I found this website.

    I can honestly say the advice and help I received on here was a lot more helpful and informed and basically what I already knew but reinforced my belief that this could be done just with a little knowledge from people who know and have experienced this.

    I for one had a very positive outcome have as many others, so I will just say keep looking into this wonderful forum and I promise you that you wont be disappointed.

    Good Luck...
    I think we're not going to use an agency nemore, as u said all the info's that are needed on whatever visa you will apply are all here And thank u...

  22. #22
    Respected Member angellegwen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor03 View Post

    Well,my boyfriend and I are planning to apply a fiancee visa maybe 3mons.from now and am starting to gather info's now on how we're going to start it. Though we're planning to have an agency coz we wanna make it right,we're both nervous about it,this is my first time too,we tried to call the agency and they told us that we can apply for it for my partner has around 24,000 pounds gross income,he's renting though and pays his own bills and he got a car. I've read the info's from UKBA but still not contented about it, it's like i need an advice from someone who's going though with it.
    We've been together for 2 years and 3mons now,I met him online last sept. of 2010,we have 29 years age gap,i don't think it really matters,we have good laughs and definitely got same humor I just love him,even before we meet.We chat twice a day,7am and 7pm his time which is 3pm and 3am here in the philippines.He visit me first in 2011 of july for a month as we're planning to get married right away,but we didn't make it due to time conflict,after 5months he visit me again for 2 weeks in jan. of 2012 and we're suppose to start applying for visa by then but it was changed coz we thought he can have a loan but we're wrong bout it,and decided to visit me for the 3rd time that was aug.of 2012 coz we're thinking it might have a good impression when I will apply for my visa. Does it make a good impression as well,that am a graduate of a 4 year course which is Bachelor of Science in Nursing last march of 2010 but I didn't took the exam for am thinkin that I can't use it in UK for I will take a different exam and I will pursue my chosen field when I get there if I have any luck. I know I talk so much But can please someone give us a checklist or pointers? I would really appreciate it.I wanna know too,about how much savings he needs as well.
    We're just dying to be together and I think our relationship has been tested enough for the distance is our greatest challenge.

    So please help me!!!
    Cheers !!! x
    Hi, im new here and i read your post and hope this will help you. Im also a filipino (registered nurse in RP) and came here on a fiancee visa last July 14, married last oct 4 and now waiting for the new visa result were applying.
    During the fiancee visa application, my husband use an agent based here in UK which in our opinion is useless coz in short the applicants gather all the paperworks and agents just waits for you to submit all the necessary papers. You can do your own research and ask for advices here. Okay, you gather all papers required then send it through Fedex or whatever courier yout think you trust. Have your girlfriend gather her papers and compile it in a folder. You can do the application online and print the papers, schehdule for an appointment in VFS Manila, pay and submit then wait...
    I do mine personally, and it only took us overall 8 days from the day i submit my papers to the embassy (VFS center in Manila) till the day they send me an email that they already made the decission (which is granted) and my visa and papers are on the way back to me.
    Im not so sure this time, i heard that fiancee visa requirements when it comes to income of the sponsor is higher. Just check on their site.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  23. #23
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angellegwen View Post
    Hi, im new here and i read your post and hope this will help you. Im also a filipino (registered nurse in RP) and came here on a fiancee visa last July 14, married last oct 4 and now waiting for the new visa result were applying.
    During the fiancee visa application, my husband use an agent based here in UK which in our opinion is useless coz in short the applicants gather all the paperworks and agents just waits for you to submit all the necessary papers. You can do your own research and ask for advices here. Okay, you gather all papers required then send it through Fedex or whatever courier yout think you trust. Have your girlfriend gather her papers and compile it in a folder. You can do the application online and print the papers, schehdule for an appointment in VFS Manila, pay and submit then wait...
    I do mine personally, and it only took us overall 8 days from the day i submit my papers to the embassy (VFS center in Manila) till the day they send me an email that they already made the decission (which is granted) and my visa and papers are on the way back to me.
    Im not so sure this time, i heard that fiancee visa requirements when it comes to income of the sponsor is higher. Just check on their site.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
    Will keep that in mind angellegwen, thank u... x

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