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Thread: Britain to face new immigrant wave

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Britain to face new immigrant wave

    BRITAIN should brace itself for a tidal wave of immigration not seen since it last opened its doors to Eastern Europe.

    read more here ...

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Nigel Farage has far-sight and a clear glimpse of the future as far as eastern european immigration is concerned,it will happen and it will be a tidal-wave of unparallelled proportions,his farsight is better than Labours "We underestimated the numbers" Hindsight

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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well nearly a million poles came and at least 500,000+ are still here, so at a guess you would have thought at least that number will come from Romania and Bulgaria, where poverty is wide spread so they can instantly claim benefits here , yet the filipino's who came on workpermits or your spouse will have to wait and pay taxes for 5yrs

    popluation of Poland is what 38m, popluation of Bulgaria+Romania is 30m so educated guess expect the same number if not more

  4. #4
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    What a surprise... yet another post about immigration.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    What a surprise... yet another post about immigration.
    whether you like it or not, this will effect you and others in the future from bringing your spouse to the UK, no UK gov can restrict Europeans from coming to the UK, the only thing they can do is make it more difficult to bring Non Europeans to the UK, and that means your wife, you dont have the same rights as Europeans in the UK have, they have a legal right to bring their wife and kids to the UK, YOU DO NOT. rant over.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thats all you can do is this, laugh, we are all doomed, you will not be able to claim anything if you are born here, we might as well become nomads, i dont know much about whos who in the parties, scaremongering comes to mind from all parties, ho ho ho merry xmas you better enjoy it because its going to be tuft out there soon

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    'I'm alright jack' my misses is here, a British citizen and has a very good paid job.

    you only have to look at how more difficult and expensive it is to bring a spouse here now, you need to apply for a settlement visa, FLR, and then ILR, ILR has gone from 2 yrs to 5yrs now, pass an English test before you can apply for a settlement visa, and you've still got the life in UK test before you can apply for ILR.

    the cost of visa's rises every April now, you need a minimum income of £18k6 and that could rise anytime, no 3rd party financial support any more, visa's are taking alot longer to process in the UK now.. what other hurdles can they do to you...

    well a blast from the past .. you better hope the Tories don't bring back the 'Primary Purpose rule' (scrapped by Jack Straw when labour got into power) yes and I've heard from someone who is an immigration consultant that they are considering it

    Previously, the Primary Purpose rule required foreign nationals married to British citizens to prove that the primary purpose of their marriage was not to obtain British residency.

    If those wishing to take up residency in the UK could not prove this to the satisfaction of immigration officers, they were denied entry into the United Kingdom. The change in the law is expected to place the burden of proof on immigration officials rather than those applying for residency.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if i know what i know now, i would not bother bring my wife here at all, yes i would work here but the cost and time trying to get her here is not worth it to me, all that cash would have brought the house and the stress of all the visas well that would not be in your mind too, the down side you would only be able to see each other face to face for only a month or 2 at a time, some of our members do that now which must be very hard but it may be something you get use too,yes i am lucky my Ems is here, i dont have the answers for everyone just the answers for myself, we are all differant in what we are wanting and its down to each of us to get what is best

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    What a surprise... yet another post about immigration.
    “They told me ‘We have a problem in this country with Roma but soon it will be yours’.”

    To me this smacks of a racist attitude by the Romanian Govt - what's your take on it Jamesey ?

  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quite an interesting post on immigration if you ask me.
    Highlights the importance of a vote to decide on our future in the EU after the next election.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    “They told me ‘We have a problem in this country with Roma but soon it will be yours’.”

    To me this smacks of a racist attitude by the Romanian Govt - what's your take on it Jamesey ?
    I wasn't commenting on this story in particular, just the fact that yet another Daily Mail / Daily Express inspired immigration thread has been posted. IMHO this subject has a disproportionately high coverage on this forum.

    No matter what political view you take, immigration is an important issue and has particular relevance to members here. However, we don't need to see a new scare-mongering tabloid story reposted everyday.

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    whether you like it or not, this will effect you and others in the future from bringing your spouse to the UK, no UK gov can restrict Europeans from coming to the UK, the only thing they can do is make it more difficult to bring Non Europeans to the UK, and that means your wife, you dont have the same rights as Europeans in the UK have, they have a legal right to bring their wife and kids to the UK, YOU DO NOT. rant over.
    We with spouses not here are knackered either way. If we vote ukip they will close the door to all immigration and if we dont it will get harder.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I wasn't commenting on this story in particular, just the fact that yet another Daily Mail / Daily Express inspired immigration thread has been posted. IMHO this subject has a disproportionately high coverage on this forum.

    No matter what political view you take, immigration is an important issue and has particular relevance to members here. However, we don't need to see a new scare-mongering tabloid story reposted everyday.

    how is it scare-mongering ? its a fact that restrictions will end on Romanians and Bulgarians, its a fact that 1m Poles came to the UK, now the gov at the time estimated a few 10,000s would come. that's why they placed the controls on Bulgarians and Romanians.

    now your average Brit, probably doesn't care if immigrants come from the EU or outside the EU. but as we all know the gov cannot place restrictions on the freedom of movement of Europeans the only thing they can control is those outside the EU.

    if you read my previous post, its not scare-mongering its getting more difficult all the time to bring a spouse here, oh i forgot to add that they are also increasing the pass level on the English language requirement next year, your partner will need at least a pass at B1 instead of A1.

    but your right about the express and mail, i'll give you that about them scare-mongering, but its based on FACTS.

  14. #14
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    not only are they coming to seek work and benefits don,t forget their criminals and illegal guns will be coming too .I,ve got 2 romanian lodgers in my house already and the gates are not fully opened yet .

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    not only are they coming to seek work and benifits don,t forget their criminals and illegal guns will be coming too .I,ve got 2 romanian lodgers in my house already and the gates are not fully opened yet .
    People like you encourage them to come here i woudnt have the scum in my house for any amount of money..

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    People like you encourage them to come here i woudnt have the scum in my house for any amount of money..
    come on guys no need to start a
    this is about uncontrolled immigration from the EU to the Uk, while the Gov controls those from outside the EU.

    how many people on here are struggling or having to delay their visa app because of the hurdles places by the gov

  17. #17
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    good and bad in all people, what would you do if you know you could be better off by taking your family to another country and living a better life, the trouble with the average brit, hes idle, will not get of his own ....,just my thoughts dont mean to offend many

  18. #18
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    oh really so when someone knocks on my door looking to rent a room according to you i,ve now got to ask their nationality .ya racist ...... they are helping me to pay my bills because of this greedy ....ed up goverment pricing everyone out of there homes because they got pay ....... dividends on their shares .... you buddy

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    the express and mail, i'll give you that about them scare-mongering, but its based on FACTS.
    They dont scaremonger,its factual so its not scaremongering,its publishing a story others for whatever reason choose would rather see brushed under the carpet.
    the trouble with the average brit, hes idle
    Thats a massive generalisation,how do you define "Average"?

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  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if the gov cant control people from the EU coming to the UK, and the only way they can is if we pull out, then they can only target those from outside,

    scare-mongering, you need to pay £800+ for a settlement visa but first you must take an English language test, show your sponsor is earning £18k6, next have suitable accommodation and prove your relationship is genuine.then if your lucky and get the visa, you'll need to apply for FLR in 3yrs time at a cost of £550, and apply for ILR a couple of years later at a cost of nearly £1000, but before that take the english language test and life in uk test.oh this isn't for those in the EU living in the UK, this applies to Brits, those from the EU living in the UK have virtually a 'LEGAL RIGHT' to bring there family here for nothing.

    so you might understand why i'm for those brits who will struggle, but i've nothing to gain, i've paid over £4,000 in visa's for the wife and kids. and free from the visa game

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Thats a massive generalisation,how do you define "Average"?
    most of my family, work colleagues, who tell me they are better of on benefits, people who dont want to work overtime because if they earn too much there benefits get cut, we all moan about the people who will not work or works just to make sure they get their benefits,thats what is wrong with this country, some seems to be whats in it for me first, again its just my thoughts

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if the gov cant control people from the EU coming to the UK, and the only way they can is if we pull out, then they can only target those from outside,

    scare-mongering, you need to pay £800+ for a settlement visa but first you must take an English language test, show your sponsor is earning £18k6, next have suitable accommodation and prove your relationship is genuine.then if your lucky and get the visa, you'll need to apply for FLR in 3yrs time at a cost of £550, and apply for ILR a couple of years later at a cost of nearly £1000, but before that take the english language test and life in uk test.oh this isn't for those in the EU living in the UK, this applies to Brits, those from the EU living in the UK have virtually a 'LEGAL RIGHT' to bring there family here for nothing.

    so you might understand why i'm for those brits who will struggle, but i've nothing to gain, i've paid over £4,000 in visa's for the wife and kids. and free from the visa game
    everyone on here understands where you are coming from, we all have had to pay either with money or stress, it takes time to get where we all want to be, yes we will moan about this and that but hey if we cant moan to people on here who else will will listen

  23. #23
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I think we might live in two different countries steve,no one I know claims benefits in this area,I dont even know where the dole-office is,theres a very small job centre up from waitrose so maybe its in there
    I think there really is a north/south divide

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I think we might live in two different countries steve,no one I know claims benefits in this area,I dont even know where the dole-office is,theres a very small job centre up from waitrose so maybe its in there
    I think there really is a north/south divide
    I drove along Weybridge High St yesterday Tawi - I hope and pray it doesn't look like this next Christmas

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i too dont know where the dole office is, but as i said my family does, and like wise people at work ringing up sick and thats because if their wage is too much they lose some benefits, thats straight from the horses mouth, but you may be right about the north/south divide or just very very lucky,

  26. #26
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    That looks more like slough Ded,speaking of which Slough is on TV at this precise moment channel 11 pick-TV,its about benefit fraud,people trafficking,and money laundering,Hey-ho just another day in Slough,plod just caught one guy with 10 different aliases,oh,everyone they have caught is asian Thats unusual for slough isnt it

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  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    ... what other hurdles can they do to you ...
    ... w.ef. from October 2013, introduce a FURTHER series of English tests for Settlement Visa holders, apparently!

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... w.ef. from October 2013, introduce a FURTHER series of English tests for Settlement Visa holders, apparently!
    yes and you need a pass at B1 Level

    you can bet the minimum income level will increase, the Tories wanted to set it at £25k, its only because of the Libs they set it at the lower figure of £18k6

    like i've posted if they do re-introduce the The Primary Purpose rule you can see more people refused

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    you only have to look at how more difficult and expensive it is to bring a spouse here now ... the cost of visa's rises every April now
    ... think of the revenue lost to successive British Governments because of some loophole that prevents them levying equally hefty visa *fees - on people from ALL the OTHER EU member countries wishing to bring partners here - as *those inflicted on their own citizens.

    That's what makes the system so unfair!

  30. #30
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Let's face it ... ... things can only get progressively more difficult, and fees continue to rise alarmingly for non-European spouses, while we remain subject to EU domination.

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