Hello Everyone,
I finished the online visa application form today and my Fiance paid for Settlement-Marriage online cost:USD1,363.00.
When,I got the conformation letter from Visa4UK it is says below:
The following supporting documents are required:
* IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you submit a full printed copy of your online application. Your printed application form should be signed and dated and should contain a bar code on the first page. If no bar code is present you will need to change the security settings on your computer. The printed application can only be used ONCE to support a visa application and should not be photocopied or submitted to support any other visa application.
* SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: You should read the 'Guide to Supporting Documents' to help you decide which documents will be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form (VAF). The guide for your application type can be found here: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/cu...vel/documents/
I am applying for a Fiancee Visa it should be VAF4A form not (VAF).Why is that? When i fill up the online form i click on Marriage then Settlement.
When i tried to book my appointment online in Manila it comes up NO (dates) availabe for appointment.
What should i do? Please Help me..
Thank you ,