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Thread: 2 Male Nurses caught on CCTV abusing patient

  1. #1
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    2 Male Nurses caught on CCTV abusing patient

    Filipino Nurses Russel Torralba and Alfredo Ruiz Caught On Video Abusing Patient

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh dear 2 guys, i thought it was a woman and a guy at first

    what else can the agency do if they carried out checks

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    That is disgusting! Whatever they are they shouldnt be given an opportunity to work with vulnerable patients. Infact, they should have their registration pin off them. Sick people!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    It happened last year also didnt it?Some pinoy nurse caught when an elderly ladies daughter planted a pinhole surveillance camera in her mothers room as she suspected abuse,the guy was caught slapping her mum,I am not a keyboard warrior but I would snap the arms from someone abusing the elderly who was supposed to be in a position of trust,quite a few years ago in Ashford hospital near Heathrow some pinoy male nurse was caught massaging a ladies breasts as she was coming around from her anaesthesia,she remembered hearing him say "This is how we look after our patients in the Philippines" he was jailed then kicked-out deported back to pinas O wonder how many pinoys/pinays/general caregivers actually get away with physical abuse like this?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your right tawi2 about that, i think its posted on here, teachers, doctors, nurses etc end of the day they are still people who have the potential to exploit and take advantage of others.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    There's been one or two unfortunate stories concerning Filipino care workers in the last 12 months. Thankfully they appear isolated incidents. It has to be said that Filipino carers are thought of very highly in this country and it's a shame when you occasionally get a rotten egg.
    Perhaps it's appropriate to look on these two as just a pair of sickos regardless of their nationality and hopefully they will be dealt with severely and never be able to care for anyone again.

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    It happened last year also didnt it?Some pinoy nurse caught when an elderly ladies daughter planted a pinhole surveillance camera in her mothers room as she suspected abuse,the guy was caught slapping her mum,I am not a keyboard warrior but I would snap the arms from someone abusing the elderly who was supposed to be in a position of trust,quite a few years ago in Ashford hospital near Heathrow some pinoy male nurse was caught massaging a ladies breasts as she was coming around from her anaesthesia,she remembered hearing him say "This is how we look after our patients in the Philippines" he was jailed then kicked-out deported back to pinas O wonder how many pinoys/pinays/general caregivers actually get away with physical abuse like this?
    I have actualy seen this case on a panorama. And the next morning in work i feel so ashamed as a few people in work had seen it aswell and asked me about it.
    I just thought to myself that hope these kind of people will be treated the same when they get old.
    Their Karma will strike one day.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

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