No not up in the hills tiger!! For the last two weeks we have had a low pressure system and its been very cool for this area with overcast skies and rain..
About 3 years ago we had an El Nino and it was blazing hot with no rain for 3 months..
I took ages to design my nipa roof.. I couldn't make my mind up and wouldnt be rushed till I thought I had it right!!
Its quite a high roof with no insulation as the doubled nipa leaves really seem to keep heat out.. Both roof ends have an opening to release heat and create a bit of airflow..
The biggest heat killer is shade so we have 3 meter soffits that shade the walls all day long..
2 bedrooms have A/C which are both broken due to lack of use..(we never need them)
Leccy bill is usually 1800 a month which Im happy with..![]()