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Thread: Dumbest hi-jacking of all time?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dumbest hi-jacking of all time?

    "Al Qeada" terrorists hijack Atlas Jet flight:

    So they couldn't get into the cockpit, so they probably shouted/intercomm'd to the pilot "Go to Iran". They only had a "bomb". Pilot said "Not enough fuel". On arrival at Antayla, most of the passengers just got out anyway, and the pilots made their escape through the cockpit windshield. Result? Hijackers left with an aeroplane with just a few passengers but no pilots to fly it. Whoops... Scary all the same though, I wouldn't want to be there.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    SWEET! - i would have loved to have seen the look on their faces.

  3. #3
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    dumb, maybe, but the whole point of terrorists is to.. terrorize.

    it only takes a few of these events, and people become reluctant to travel, governments spend loads of money on security, and everyone gets off about taking shoes off, no liquids etc..

    i would have been pretty scared

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    dumb, maybe, but the whole point of terrorists is to.. terrorize.

    it only takes a few of these events, and people become reluctant to travel, governments spend loads of money on security, and everyone gets off about taking shoes off, no liquids etc..

    i would have been pretty scared
    True doesn't matter if they bodge the kidnap or the attack (for example 21-7 or the event this summer) it does what they want creates fear and tension.

    If i was alqueda i would concentrate on a few groups to pull of the big events, but have a load of them peeps who prepared to go for it and not waste to much time and training on them, they will still strecth the security forces giving the highly trained groups more space to operate in.

    Look how they work in afgahistan, palestine and iraq, the same groups have some random bloke with a bomb belt which a lot of the attacks dont run as smooth as the terriosts wish for and other attacks which are truely devastating due to being better planned/trained for.

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