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Thread: If you are sponsoring a child as well as a partner

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) bhembhem's Avatar
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    Question If you are sponsoring a child as well as a partner

    this is my situation i'm going to Philippines in feb 18th 2013 "6 weeks time" as my gf will give birth to our first child its both our first . and its a girl so i cant wait ,we put on hold our visa becoz she become pregnant and now when i go we will proceed with fiancee visa .i been collecting documents and evidence towards are visa just i having this big issue and its bugging me big time and i don't know what do next
    I'm self employed and past few years been really hard with work and i earned £18.156 in my tax year and with total off £1252 in rebate back to me ,
    but here is the issue as you all well know You must have an income of at least £18,600.

    If you are sponsoring a child as well as a partner you will need an income of at least £22,400.
    For each additional child being sponsored you will need an additional income of £2,400. For example, if you are you are bringing 2 children with you to the United Kingdom, you must have and income of £22,400 and £2,400 for the additional child, so a total of £24,800.
    You will be required to provide documents to show that you can meet the financial requirement. The way you meet the requirement will be different, depending on whether you are applying from inside or outside the UK.

    i have reasonable fund in my account off 3k + i never taken any public funds and i live with my mother and pay rent which not high and looking to buy council house we living in future after i was planning fiancee visa
    i have money to support my fiancee and child without taking public funds and help my family but would they take this in Consideration
    and i want register my daughter as british and get her british passport with doing this will that just put my fiancee as my only sponsor if my daughter is british or am i thinking totally wrong

    thanks listening/happy new year to you all

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    If the child is British, you only have to sponsor your gf. So get your daughter a British passport when she's born.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) bhembhem's Avatar
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    thanks reply raynaputi
    yeah im british and i will apply for her have british birth/cert and apply the passport b4 proceeding the visa /thanks info as then i will file my fiancee visa we been together for 4 years now and time for settlement as she finished all her courses
    thank you

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you shouldn't need to register her at the British Embassy, depends if you have the spare money to or you want to or maybe the embassy wil try and make you, you should be able to just apply for a British passport for her.

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) bhembhem's Avatar
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    thanks for info ,i will seek get her british status then sort visa for my fiancee even im sort of value of the new terms set now £18.600 going be hard one

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhembhem View Post
    thanks for info ,i will seek get her british status then sort visa for my fiancee even im sort of value of the new terms set now £18.600 going be hard one
    Just a heads-up here, but maybe you're like most self-employed folks who attempt to minimise their taxable income with various tax breaks etc.
    Well for visa purposes you may want to look at maximising your taxable and not claiming certain tax breaks.

    Just a suggestion

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