Iyah ...

... don't be hard on yourself. There's no need for you to apologise

... you most certainly weren't being rude, as far as
I'm concerned. If
I'd been in
your shoes, I would have reacted with surprise too, in the circumstances.

if, due to some misunderstanding, your feelings were hurt, since I'm sure that wasn't intended.
Oh, how I wish I were able to wave a magic wand to help good, honest people like you, I really,
really do! Sadly, the authorities seem to have got it into their heads that just about
ANYONE wanting to visit a boy/girlfriend in the UK has an ulterior motive and, in direct consequence, is looked upon as a potential overstayer ... because of the sheer number of instances in which the System has been abused by
others - whose motives proved to be less than genuine - in the past ... and this has, in turn, given rise to their (not altogether unfounded) suspicions.
But, it's absolutely NO reflection on
you, personally, believe