Scratters! I was one of the forerunners who "discovered" Kavos back in 1992, before it became popular. Even then it was a dusty vomit encrusted strip lined with concrete cheap drinks flogging bars, each belting out it's own variety of dance/trance music and populated by Brits, the majority who seemed to be male, and to whom there seemed to be this need to look aggressive.

I believe it's got worse, obviously I wouldn't go near it now, as being over 23 that makes me too old.

Visited Magaluf once for the day, whilst staying with some friends on the island - what a dump.

Thing is, these resorts and the locals can whinge all they want, the fact is that they cater for exactly this sort of patronage. If they wanted to go "upmarket", then the mayor could probably do this overnight.

Something I have noticed, is that in just about every Greek resort I can think of, any resort of any size whatsoever caters to drunks and what used to be called "lager louts". Coincidence?

As for the Asian resorts Graham, I totally agree. I can only presume it's because it's too expensive/too upmarket for the tossers to travel to. They'd never make it 12 hours flight without getting drunk, and the local Thai police/local men certainly wouldn't allow it without going in with fists/batons/you name it.