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Thread: It's party time

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Davao city... then Hong Kong on the 25th
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    I had a thought...

    yes, another one.... ho-hum.

    I noticed that there are lots of comments about the feeling of lack of community in Uk for anyone who has moved here from philippines....

    Well, my brain got ticking as it sometimes does and I wondered if it would be a good idea for a large ''get-together'' was organized, say once a year, for everyone who is a member of this forum... which can obvioulsy include single people too... they might strike lucky.

    that way, everyone gets to meet and properly get to know each other, share stories and present situations...Bingo, instant community...

    I know you've got it here in this forum, but it's good to talk.

    All we have to do s work out a good central venue for the event, say for example, Coventry, then find costs and such, and propose the idea to the forum, those who wish to go can cough up the estimated dough and we all have a big meet.

    Any remaining funds from such an event can go towards other worthwhile projects to expand the forum and/or make the community bigger and stronger.

    Maybe you could even organise a group holiday... somewhere where no-ones been or let people give suggestions...

    A week or two in the sun each year... The only thing that worries me is would us blokes get a word in edgeways???

    keep smiling all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    Originally posted by Gary@Oct 19 2005, 09:37 AM
    I had a thought...

    A week or two in the sun each year... The only thing that worries me is would us blokes get a word in edgeways???

    keep smiling all
    Fantastic for a about Dubai or Hong Kong?! :lol: I heard Barry Island is nice in May

    Seriously though guys, we should consider this...Coventry or Birmingham has a lot to offer for visitors. I used to volunteer for Hospital Radio and once a year the Hospital Radio UK association would organise a big get together somewhere in UK - so far I've been to Liverpool, Coventry, Cardiff. Of course its always great fun at these get occassions, never a dull hotel bedrooms, setting off fire alarms, ordering room service for everyone else and my favourite, furniture in lifts :lol: :unsure:

  3. #3
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    You must be kidding, my wife didnt mix much for the first couple of years, busy with children etc, but she now has a good social life. There are so many filipino s around now but she mixes with any nationality.

    There are some though, from the P.I. that seem to get a bit up theirselves as they start to earn over here, but most are o.k. Wherever we go my wife seems to bump into a filipino. The men though are something else, relatives over here are great but at parties most of the men huddle in a group doing their macho thing, fags and whiskey.

    Although most of my wife`s friends are fili s, not to the exclusion of anyone else. We go to rugby functions, school do`s etc and she is a hit where ever she goes. Encourage your wife to mix and it will be rewarding.

    Keep her out the shops though, and i would steer clear of bingo and the one arm bandits at Southend, she love`s a gamble

    How to tell whose a filipino when your out, just go pssst and see who turns around.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I think you have made a great suggestion there, the Forum members should try and meet and exchange a few stories, I have personally spoken to some members, for example, Rob and I know each other quite well on the phone, although as yet we have not met, Keith and I have spoken on various occasions, again to date we have not met, I have spoken to others on the phone, such as Paul Thomas, who is on holiday at present, (called your office Paul, they said youre on holiday, hope you see this when you get back), however Gary, I did try and arrange a group meeting for the FilipinoUK Forum at the Barrio Fiesta over the weekend of 16/17th July 2005, this was held at Lampton Park, Hounslow Middlesex, it was attended by over 30,000 UK Filipinos and their families, there was Pete with all these pledges from interested ones who would atttend, I did take one or two mobile numbers, (Rob did say he would not be going as did Keith) but I tried to make contact with people, and I ended up being there on my own.

    I have to say, sadly it was not a great success, however I am happy to try and coordinate something for the future, if people are generally interested in your suggestion, I find though that generally, by the time the idea is getting close, work commitments, and other things tend to louse up the plan, the FilipinoUK community seems to work better as an online get together, due to distances etc, Coventry isnt a problem for us, however people are spread so far away, its unlikely that members will consent to travelling to a central location to meet what are actually perfect strangers, trust me, we have tried it, its different when you humanize online contacts, but Gary its worth a try, see who is interested, and watch the feedback, My wife and I have our close freinds in Scotland, Lorna and Steve anotheer Brit-Fil couple, I met Steve in 2004 around November, when we both met at the Philippine Embassy in London, we both tried to get visitor visas for extended periods, that was the 6 month 59 day visa, thats how Steve and I met, by having a few coffees one afternoon in Kensington High Street, Steve and I stayed in contact ever since, and actually arranged to fly to the Philippines during May of this year, we become best freinds, and are wifes are freinds too, so freindships can be developed in this way of getting to know people, I also met a nice guy and his Filipina GF at the Barrio Fiesta, Will Cousins Hardy, and became good freind with him also, although have only seen Will a couple of times after the Barrio Fiesta, but we talk every week, about different things, so..I am all for meeting up with forum members, lets see what develops.

    P.S. Rob...Gina says, when we are in Wales next, we will drive up to Aberystwyth, and meet you and Elsa, so thats a start, but we hope to do that this year, we have a freind in the valleys, so we will want to drop by, and see you and Elsa.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I'll be off back down South next month Pete, so keep the chips warm

    here are some though, from the P.I. that seem to get a bit up theirselves as they start to earn over here
    Your right their, a lot of the nurses become back stabbing, mine is bigger & better than yours people....but not all. Still, they are all great at doing the job.

    Keith & Ping

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