let us not fall into the personalisation trap or be distracted by his apparent distasteful character, instead let us focus on some of the points he makes,,,, biggest cause of death in us, suicide, do we ban prozac, no mention,,crazed mother murders baby with meat cleaver, do we ban meat cleavers, no mention, indian girl murdered in bus by 4ft iron bar, do we ban iron bars, no mention,, usa has 10000 gun murders in last year,, 30 of them by semi automatics,, so we ban semis,,, why,,,,,,,one does not have to be a psychiatrist to realise that if some nutter / phsycopath wants to commit murder then they will find a way,, the countries with the worst gun murders are countries with total gun bans,, still i would go for a total gun ban,,,, the exception being perhaps if i lived in a cancerous crumbling society like the USA,,,,,