Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
Like IMAGINE said, whatever your circumstances are you have got to GET ON WITH IT. When you have KIDS, there will be no ME TIME anymore because you already have a responsibility. Being a parent is a CHOICE, if you dont want to be emotionally, physically and mentally UNSTABLE then dont have kids. SIMPLE.

BTW, I was a SINGLE MOTHER of 1 before and I COPED.
I salute you then! but for sure you didnt have your baby here in the UK??

I do agree on what Mr. Imagine had said. And for your information i am mentally, emotionally, and physically stable. And very happy with my life.

Thought this forum is to gain friends not to offend people??

I posted this thing just to have chat with other mums like me that have the baby in here in the UK and have a laugh with them not to be offended by you.

By the way GREENWICH has all the things to offer for Mums and Dads and baby's! Even the well known greenwich maritime museum had activities for mums and babys.... and so we are lucky where we are and we dnt get bored because u have alot of things to do in a day.

Was just trying to have a conversation with mums and dads that are very kind to share what is their experience not to boast.

thanks anyway!!!