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Thread: Driving Test Part 1 - Theory and Hazard Perception Experience

  1. #1
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Driving Test Part 1 - Theory and Hazard Perception Experience

    The Highway Code
    While waiting for your FLR(M), reading and understanding The Highway Code is one of the best things to do if you wish to drive in the UK. Trefor bought me The Official Highway Code 2007 edition (£1.80 at Amazon) and i found this book to be very informative and helpful. You can also get the latest contents at

    Provisional Driving License
    Once you receive your BRP you can now apply for your Provisional Driving License. Visit your nearest Post Office or DVLA Office for the application form. D1 Pack is free of charge. In addition, you can order the same at You can also apply at

    Filling In The D1 Pack Application Form
    The information to be provided are basic and not complicated except Section 6 - Signing a Photo to Verify Identity. You need to provide one passport size ID meeting the following requirements The person signing your photo must be in UK, known you personally for at least 2 years and not be a relative (husband and his family are considered relative). I have thought of postponing my application since I don't know anyone to sign my photo. The next day I remember a family in Birmingham whom I know more that 15 years. Its a 5 hours drive back and forth but worth it.

    I submitted my application at DVLA Oxford along with my BRP on 19 November 2012 and paid £50.00. I received 2 mails after 9 working days - one for my Provisional Driving License and one for my BRP. Ensure to keep the Counterpart (paper copy) of your Provisional License, its a MUST to show this on the day of your Theory/Hazard Test and Practical Test.

    Booking a Driving Theory/Hazard Perception Test
    Once you get your Provisional License you are ready to book appointment The earlier the better since waiting time is about 3-4 weeks and some areas are worst. I paid £31.00 and received the confirmation email immediately. Ensure to make a print-out of this confirmation, you MUST to bring this on the day of your test.

    Theory Test Practice
    I bought CD of the Driving Theory Test at Poundland. If you review in advance, your 3 weeks waiting time will be focused on the practice. Answering the questions without reading the Highway Code is not recommended. You really need to understand the rules, responsibilities and consequences behind each Code. In addition, the passing rate is high - 43/50 so don't rely on your luck.

    Trefor was beside me everytime I'm practicing. I do understand the questions, i know what to do but the terminologies look unusual to me. Trefor guided me to understand further the "English" English. I suggest for the wifeys to do the same. Its very important to review questions you missed to answer correctly. Don't worry, at the end of the test there is an option to look back on the right answer.

    My CD is very useful and some links i have used are as follows:

    Hazard Perception Test Practice
    What is a hazard? If you don't know the answer then there's a big probability of failing the test. Conversely, if you know hazard then this part of the test is easy. The passing rate is 44/75. There are 14 video clips and 1 of these has 2 hazards. The earliest you can spot the hazard the highest points you can earn. 5 points is the maximum and 0 if you missed the hazard. In the CD i bought hazard test is included.

    Two important things you MUST to learn (1) the difference between potential hazard vs developing hazard and (2) clicking the mouse. Yes, clicking the mouse is a big deal. On my experience I always hit the 5 points (you will see this on the review after answering all the clips) but at end I'm receiving 0 points and definitely the result of the test is failed. Not fair isn't it. The reason behind is this - I am getting too excited everytime the hazard is happening. As a result, I'm clicking my mouse very fast (thrice a second) thinking to get 5 points. What I have done is a BIG NO. You will not get any points doing this. You MUST click the mouse more steadily, several clicks over a few seconds only.

    On the Day of the Test
    You MUST be at the test center 15 minutes before your schedule. I brought my Provisional License, Counterpart and the Booking Confirmation. All these 3 are important and no other documents will be accepted. The Receptionist confirmed my appointment and gave me key for the locker (you cannot take anything into the exam, even a watch, in case of cheating). After reading the test guidelines, the Examiner gave me a seat number and instructions how to use their PC and headset.

    I started my test at 1:30pm. On the theory test there were 50 questions and the time frame is 57 minutes. I finished answering 50 questions in 18 minutes time. Instead of clicking finish i decided to review my answers. A very good decision since i found 4 incorrect answers.

    There were 14 video clips on the hazard perception test and no time frame given. The length of the test depends on the length of the 14 videos but definitely less than 14 minutes total. The video was played once only and no way to review my answer so I was nervous while leaving the room.

    The Result
    The result was issued immediately after the test. They gave me one page paper folded in 3 parts. I felt nervous while opening the letter and got excited after seeing the first word CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, i got 46/50 for the theory and 57/75 for the hazard perception.

    My practical test is scheduled on 5th March. Its an 8 weeks of waiting! BIG thanks to my supportive husband Trefor.
    Don't just try, DO IT!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    thanks for sharing your experience and congrats for passing the test
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    thanks sars

  4. #4
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    congratulations. you done well there love!

  5. #5
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    COngrats to you vernier caliper
    And good Luck for your practical.

    I passed my theory 4 december 2012, but I haven't book my practical yet,,..
    How much did you pay for practical, if you don't mind me asking. thanks

  6. #6
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Hi Han. I passed my theory test on 28 Dec and on the same day I booked for the practical. 05 March is the earliest - 8 weeks waiting time. Better if you will book now. It cost me £62.00

  7. #7
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Congratulations Vernier. Planning to take mine soon and this basically details everything I need. Thanks

  8. #8
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    melove and confusedme

  9. #9
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    BTW, I forgot to mention - it's a MUST to pass both theory and hazard tests or else you need to retake both. Paying another £31.00 , reviewing and 3 weeks waiting time is not good.

  10. #10
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GraceAdam View Post
    Thanks Grace

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Thanks You for the tips..
    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    The Highway Code
    While waiting for your FLR(M), reading and understanding The Highway Code is one of the best things to do if you wish to drive in the UK. Trefor bought me The Official Highway Code 2007 edition (£1.80 at Amazon) and i found this book to be very informative and helpful. You can also get the latest contents at

    Provisional Driving License
    Once you receive your BRP you can now apply for your Provisional Driving License. Visit your nearest Post Office or DVLA Office for the application form. D1 Pack is free of charge. In addition, you can order the same at You can also apply at

    Filling In The D1 Pack Application Form
    The information to be provided are basic and not complicated except Section 6 - Signing a Photo to Verify Identity. You need to provide one passport size ID meeting the following requirements The person signing your photo must be in UK, known you personally for at least 2 years and not be a relative (husband and his family are considered relative). I have thought of postponing my application since I don't know anyone to sign my photo. The next day I remember a family in Birmingham whom I know more that 15 years. Its a 5 hours drive back and forth but worth it.

    I submitted my application at DVLA Oxford along with my BRP on 19 November 2012 and paid £50.00. I received 2 mails after 9 working days - one for my Provisional Driving License and one for my BRP. Ensure to keep the Counterpart (paper copy) of your Provisional License, its a MUST to show this on the day of your Theory/Hazard Test and Practical Test.

    Booking a Driving Theory/Hazard Perception Test
    Once you get your Provisional License you are ready to book appointment The earlier the better since waiting time is about 3-4 weeks and some areas are worst. I paid £31.00 and received the confirmation email immediately. Ensure to make a print-out of this confirmation, you MUST to bring this on the day of your test.

    Theory Test Practice
    I bought CD of the Driving Theory Test at Poundland. If you review in advance, your 3 weeks waiting time will be focused on the practice. Answering the questions without reading the Highway Code is not recommended. You really need to understand the rules, responsibilities and consequences behind each Code. In addition, the passing rate is high - 43/50 so don't rely on your luck.

    Trefor was beside me everytime I'm practicing. I do understand the questions, i know what to do but the terminologies look unusual to me. Trefor guided me to understand further the "English" English. I suggest for the wifeys to do the same. Its very important to review questions you missed to answer correctly. Don't worry, at the end of the test there is an option to look back on the right answer.

    My CD is very useful and some links i have used are as follows:

    Hazard Perception Test Practice
    What is a hazard? If you don't know the answer then there's a big probability of failing the test. Conversely, if you know hazard then this part of the test is easy. The passing rate is 44/75. There are 14 video clips and 1 of these has 2 hazards. The earliest you can spot the hazard the highest points you can earn. 5 points is the maximum and 0 if you missed the hazard. In the CD i bought hazard test is included.

    Two important things you MUST to learn (1) the difference between potential hazard vs developing hazard and (2) clicking the mouse. Yes, clicking the mouse is a big deal. On my experience I always hit the 5 points (you will see this on the review after answering all the clips) but at end I'm receiving 0 points and definitely the result of the test is failed. Not fair isn't it. The reason behind is this - I am getting too excited everytime the hazard is happening. As a result, I'm clicking my mouse very fast (thrice a second) thinking to get 5 points. What I have done is a BIG NO. You will not get any points doing this. You MUST click the mouse more steadily, several clicks over a few seconds only.

    On the Day of the Test
    You MUST be at the test center 15 minutes before your schedule. I brought my Provisional License, Counterpart and the Booking Confirmation. All these 3 are important and no other documents will be accepted. The Receptionist confirmed my appointment and gave me key for the locker (you cannot take anything into the exam, even a watch, in case of cheating). After reading the test guidelines, the Examiner gave me a seat number and instructions how to use their PC and headset.

    I started my test at 1:30pm. On the theory test there were 50 questions and the time frame is 57 minutes. I finished answering 50 questions in 18 minutes time. Instead of clicking finish i decided to review my answers. A very good decision since i found 4 incorrect answers.

    There were 14 video clips on the hazard perception test and no time frame given. The length of the test depends on the length of the 14 videos but definitely less than 14 minutes total. The video was played once only and no way to review my answer so I was nervous while leaving the room.

    The Result
    The result was issued immediately after the test. They gave me one page paper folded in 3 parts. I felt nervous while opening the letter and got excited after seeing the first word CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, i got 46/50 for the theory and 57/75 for the hazard perception.

    My practical test is scheduled on 5th March. Its an 8 weeks of waiting! BIG thanks to my supportive husband Trefor.

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