really no offence meant... but it takes so long for your pictures to load...
I can read the entire page and move onto the next one before the first page has finished downloading the pictures and some of them i'd love to see but it just takes so long....

Hey, whats your problem, its really your 56K connection di ba ? palitan mo na into broadband ! really, 56K went out back in the 90's in the days of compuserve and all the fun we had downloading at speeds when dinosaurs roamed the earth, sorry if the site is slow, however, its superfast on my 2MB connection and Im sure on Keiths, super fast 8MB Connection, I also have a video on my Boracay page, which launches and plays in seconds, it really is not designed for dial ups, and I think I have always said that, but however, you are happy that you found it, and it takes me hours of maintenance every day, especially as I am spending 2-3 hours a day editing, just to give free information for people, who in general (perhaps not you) who are too lazy to find out for themselves, just to put you in the picture, I had 137 Unique page views last week alone, and 60 per cent of my traffic is repeat viewing, which tells me, that people keep coming back for more, as the site is totally 100 per cent freee, I have to make a living in my occupation, maintenance is done in the evenings and weekends, so bare with me on this, there will be more pages added over christmas, but by your own admissions, you are happy you found it....and as you are reading anyway, best of luck.