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Thread: question to filipinas about s.e.x.

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sex before marriage immoral ?
    what about people who never marry ? my sister has 2 kids, been with the same guy for 26 years, longer than most marriages last , to some people marriage is just a bit of paper..

    for me, who doesn't believe in god, can it be immoral

  2. #2
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    talks on sex makes a woman feel uncomfortable. And yes, it's because Filipinos don't talk about the topic. People do it, but no talk about it. What happens in the bed room stays in the bedroom and is not discussed.
    Very contradicting with Westerners who can talk about anything about it freely.
    But what if your Pinay wife says she feels uncomfortable about the topic, should u insist she has to get over it coz she married a Westerner and has to accept it? I think accepting is different from going into the cycle. I mean, hubby can talk about it.. I accept that.. but don't force me to talk about it.. and you should accept i simply won't talk..

    Am I making any sense here?? ?

  3. #3
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jken View Post
    talks on sex makes a woman feel uncomfortable. And yes, it's because Filipinos don't talk about the topic. People do it, but no talk about it. What happens in the bed room stays in the bedroom and is not discussed.
    Very contradicting with Westerners who can talk about anything about it freely.
    But what if your Pinay wife says she feels uncomfortable about the topic, should u insist she has to get over it coz she married a Westerner and has to accept it? I think accepting is different from going into the cycle. I mean, hubby can talk about it.. I accept that.. but don't force me to talk about it.. and you should accept i simply won't talk..

    Am I making any sense here?? ?
    Yes you do, and i understand you statement.
    So what if.... a filipina or any like to have sex a little then, but something doesent feel right in the bed. Can something be done to improove the joy, by talking about it?? Hehe i will not go in details, ya all know the differencies, and how your self are doing. Or shold it just be keept quiet, and suffer?

    OK.... so its like this.... IN GENERAL, NOT ALL OK?
    A "person" that have a restrict relationship to sex, and have been tougt that sex is boo, boo, stay away, no talk. Will have difficulties sometimes to get the full orgasm. This because persons with too mutch respect for sex cannot fully relax. It would be almost the same for a westener to have sex with Al Qaida....

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Two points here:

    Without 'sex' none of us would be here.

    In a serious relationship surely we should refer to it as 'making love?'


  5. #5
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Two points here:

    Without 'sex' none of us would be here.

    In a serious relationship surely we should refer to it as 'making love?'


    Good point! ;-) mutch better word.
    Short thinking from my side = making love.

  6. #6
    Member petti's Avatar
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    My thinking also when i started this debate/thred, was also another very senitive thing. Men are men, and some sorry guys are not so tolerant as they shuold be. Some just dont deserve the beutyful thing as a filippina.
    Some/many woman are very unfortenate to end up in chrisis centre and sutch. Could this be one reason of so many faulties?

    OK dont missunderstand me here now.
    My post was just made in the best intetions, so im sorry if i offend someone now.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Petti - I understand and agree with you. ANY exploitation of women no matter whether they are filipinas or from anywhere in the world is WRONG!

    I think Mark has just said a very true thing - I think that all the men on this site (I hope) have a true respect for ladies.

    I said in a thread some time ago that there was a bloke who was around about 2,000 years ago who told people to be nice to each other - they crucified him?!?!?!?!?! Look at the world now.

    Let's make this site something the world can be proud of.


  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sex before marriage immoral ?
    what about people who never marry ? my sister has 2 kids, been with the same guy for 26 years, longer than most marriages last , to some people marriage is just a bit of paper..

    for me, who doesn't believe in god, can it be immoral
    You may have a point there Joe..
    A lot would depend on who gave us lessons on Morals I suppose..
    I was lucky as I had good parents.
    Fortunatley for me it was absolutley was nothing to do with the Catholic church..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Fortunatley for me it was absolutley was nothing to do with the Catholic church..

    Amen...... to that............

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and i second that Aromulus

    the libyans at work use to tell me how they are a better person than me, because they are muslims and believe in god,

    sure, they lie, smoke drugs, as for catholics they can confess to their wrong doings ....

    me, I live by one rule, treat people , as you would like to be treated by them

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Amen...... to that............

  12. #12
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=joebloggs;31238]sex before marriage immoral ?
    what about people who never marry ? my sister has 2 kids, been with the same guy for 26 years, longer than most marriages last ,

    Joe, Im a little curious.....why would a couple living together for 26 years didnt ever think of sanctifying their togetherness into marriage? Me, being a filipina always believe in the sanctity of marriage...not for the reason that Im a Catholic....but I believe that a blessed marriage is just better than not blessed at all....When I said "blessed" I mean blessed by the church. Oh pls, dont get me wrong ok....I know there is that so called "living together contract" in Europe but I always wonder what stopping the couple from marrying each other if they have been living and loving each other for quite some time (lots of years for that matter)?

    me just curious

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sex before marriage immoral ?
    what about people who never marry ? my sister has 2 kids, been with the same guy for 26 years, longer than most marriages last ,

    Joe, Im a little curious.....why would a couple living together for 26 years didnt ever think of sanctifying their togetherness into marriage? Me, being a filipina always believe in the sanctity of marriage...not for the reason that Im a Catholic....but I believe that a blessed marriage is just better than not blessed at all....When I said "blessed" I mean blessed by the church. Oh pls, dont get me wrong ok....I know there is that so called "living together contract" in Europe but I always wonder what stopping the couple from marrying each other if they have been living and loving each other for quite some time (lots of years for that matter)?

    me just curious
    Many people in the Uk and i guess the western world are not belivers in marriage and dont see what a piece of paper from the church or the state has to do with the two of them being together

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the lyrics from the song 'god only knows' by the manc band james says it all

    You may say I am cynical, but I say man is flawed
    He has a vague memory of before some fall
    Behaving like a reptile, but talks of walking tall
    If god is in his image, the almighty must be small

    God only knows

    Swaggart has been caught with his trousers round his knees
    After damning me and you to hell for eternity
    Sex and power and money is the prayer of these priests
    They bribe their way past heaven's gates and steal a set of keys

    God only knows

    My guru has been sleeping with adepts and with sheep
    While I was celibate, self-righteous in belief
    Yesterday he was god, now he is a creep
    We fell upon each other starving for belief

    God only knows

    I speak in the name of god
    I speak in the name of that
    white haired old man in the clouds
    Always a man
    Dispensing lightening justice from his fingertips
    Watching you every second of the day
    Just waiting for you to up
    I speak in the name of God
    I'm his intermediary
    I'm a Mollah, I'm a Priest, I'm a Vicar
    If you want to go to God
    You have to come through me

    Is heaven full, oh lord, of these babbling preachers and
    God-fearing biggots
    All these sef-rightious, self-appointed prophets
    because if so:-
    I know where I'd rather be
    Away from this cacophony
    Away from this cacophony
    God only knows
    God only knows
    God only knows

  15. #15
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    i think that if you really love someone then i still believe there is something about committing yourself to marrying that person,if your girlfriend would be even happier if you were to get married then why not.there is something very special about it and if you have found the one you want to be with forever-why not do it . yes some people live together get married then split up,but my guess they would have split up anyway,the act of getting married does not mean your going to split up, there has to be other reasons for this.maybe some couples whos love is on the wane get married hoping it will strengthen their love,but if there were doubts before or problems getting married aint gona fix it.i for one would love to see my girls face as she walks into church,knowing shes made my dream come true,then i'm sure going to make hers come true.its a special occassion for all,you ,your girlfriend and the familys. i for one think its worth it.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    i think that if you really love someone then i still believe there is something about committing yourself to marrying that person,if your girlfriend would be even happier if you were to get married then why not.there is something very special about it and if you have found the one you want to be with forever-why not do it
    Well said darling...

    Yes, it is true that "sex" is kind of a sensitive topic for pinays to talk about. Men even pinoys can easily talk about it and even feel proud and brag about their so called sexual "conquest"...but typical conservative filipinos see the subject as something really private.

    I think making love before marriage is subjective. It doesn't have to do with religion nor with the social trend. It has something to do with one's sense of maturity...with how one views "sex", of love, and of the other person. If both truly love each other then "sex" is an expression of love, of expressing the other how much u need and want him/her. I believe that will always be part of marriage....but I also understand that for some, it is a pre-requisite for a lasting marriage...but I think even without it if one truly loves and is committed to the other then marriage will always be beautiful and meant to last.

    Living in "sin"?? Nah! He who has not sinned be the one to cast the first stone!

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