I will watch the video later but I have personal experience of an old girlfriends hassle in india and pakistan,I had an austrian girlfriend,I met her in kashmir,bumped into her again in Delhi and she came over to pakistan to visit me a few times before it fizzled out,she was blond,blue eyed,in india guys were constanly trying to hit on her,one idiot hotel owner got her on her own and asked her to leave me as he had a hotelguys would try and walk beside her to rub against her like dogs
try and touch her etc,luckily she wasnt a shrinking violet average woman
Pakistan was worse,guys almost fought each other to sit behind her on buses so they could try and touch her through the small gap at the rear of the seats,guys would ask her could they f*ck her,and there are three instances that defy belief,one was a hotel worker who climbed out onto a balcony to peep through a crack in the curtains,she noticed his shadow backlit on the curtains
I knew a pinay in this country,bogus student who married a pakistani,also a bogus student,they were kicked out and went to live in 'Pindi,well just outside 'Pindi actually,she always thought she was going to some sort of paradise,I sometimes wonder what happened to her as I know how the average pakistani woman is living.