well with Ems day off what do you think we did, yep, shopping this afternoon, well this morning we cleaned the house from top to bottom and to reward ourselves we went shopping, any ideas what Em went for in her shopping plan, UPS NEARLY PUT PLANE WE DONT WANT THAT AGAIN DO WE,yes us men has guest right shoes and bags and KFC too, so off we went to the designer outlet and yes we had a nice walk round lots of nice things too,i tried on a barbour jacket but seen the price then i took it of pretty quick, anyway Ems got her nice bag and even nicer shoes and what did i get for myself bugger all, but there was madness to my plan, going up to south normanton we popped into appliance direct and yes i brought a new dehumidifier for the house rock on, over £50 cheaper then B&Q, so lets see new shoes and a bag from discount shops, and a KFC i recon i am still up, jobs a good un, why cant all saturdays be like this,