Woman, 25, found dead in her neighbour's garden after collapsing in snow 'as she walked home from night out without winter coat'

  • Kent police believe death in Deal was 'tragic accident'
  • Bernadette Lee was found collapsed by a dog walker
  • She was in the garden of the property next to her sister's home
  • Miss Lee, who was staying with her sister, could have slipped after night out
  • A Facebook site set up in her memory described her as 'truly loved'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2IcGhWn99

Yesterday whilst waiting by Marks & Spensives back door watching the snow fall I saw a stupid bird run out to her nice little VW Golf GTI parked in the disabled space wearing a skimpy see through top, knee length leggings, ballet shoes.

I hope she broke down or careered off the road on the way home