Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
NHS is the best healthcare system in the world, don't knock it, because if you lived in any other country you would soon think differently!
My Father had a feeling in his arm that a stroke was coming on..He knew this because he had 2 minor strokes before.. We took him to the NHS hospital in North London where he had the full stroke whilst waiting in line in a cold damp waiting room.. The stupid nurse called the guy two places in front of him..If they had prioritized him 20 mins earlier then things may not have gone so badly for him... The people in the Queue protested and he was then admitted in their turn..
I went to visit him daily and had to watch the nurses giving him coffee when there was a big sign at the end of his bed... NIL BY MOUTH.
He died not long after and I blame the NHS..
Wish we had the money at the time to go private.