Quote Originally Posted by keith britten View Post
I'm just experiencing the Philippine medical system, my father in law is sick in hospital, hes been there 6 days and is not showing any improvement. I'm not a qualified medical practitioner but what I see is just a money making factory. Every thing has to be paid for up front, we have to buy our own blood if we can find it or bribe someone to donate then there is no guarantee that the blood is good. I'd advise all British subjects that if they get sick buy an air ticket back to the uk, it will be a lot cheaper and you will probably live longer.
I can understand you frustration and hopefully he will get better. The hospitals have very little government funding and its not always their fault that things like blood, medicine etc are not readily available.
Ask your wifes family to speak to the local mayor, congressman , governor as they may help out with some of the medical costs as it will soon be election time. Sad but true.
Its not just the Philippines that has a bad medical system. A lot of countries do.
Don't knock the NHS as you guys are lucky to have such a system