Quote Originally Posted by BBCdocumentary View Post
Actually, it will be more warm and upbeat in tone. It will look at how increasingly, British families are hiring domestic help who often become like extended family. The documentary will look at the quirks of British domesticity through the eyes of their home help. We hope the documentary will hold a mirror up to the British approach to family life and the domestic realm
Frankly, I would rather see the balanced TRUTH...ie cheap labour for the nuveau riche and upwardly mobile, rather than some airy fairy 'upbeat' tosh, but dumb it down for the masses if you must.

The only reason most of these domestic workers suffer being 'owned' by these people (normally visiting diplomats) is because they are in poverty at home and most likely sending most of their pittance pay-packet back there to support their children and extended family.

Are Filipinos still in fact given visas to enter the UK as slaves....sorry, I mean 'Domestic helpers' ?