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Thread: Obtaining a Marriage License

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
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    Obtaining a Marriage License


    This will be my first post on these forums. First, I must say how invaluable I have found the advice on this site; I initially wanted to find out about the spouse visa application requirements and hadn't a clue until I came here, so thank you.

    I'm currently in the process of planning a wedding to my Filipina fiancee, but I'm not so clear on the exact requirements to obtain a marriage license.

    As I understand it, after obtaining a local certificate of no impediment from the embassy in Manila and attending the required pre-marriage seminars, we will be able to apply for the marriage license in my fiancee's home town. The marriage license is then only issued after a 10 day period. My question is, do I need to remain in the Philippines for this 10 day period or is it acceptable for me to return to the UK while my fiancee waits for the license to be issued? Work commitments in the UK mean I will need to fly back within the 10 day period and then fly out again within a week or two of the license being issued to then marry.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this would be possible?

    Any advice would be most appreciated!

    Many Thanks,


  2. #2
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Hi Chris.

    Welcome to the forum. Hope the appended thread will answer your questions. Cheers.
    Don't just try, DO IT!

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    get certificate of no impediment here in uk , then take with you to phil and exchange it for philippine equivelent, that should save you time

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Yes just get it here, should not need to change it in Philippines, because it should be exactly the same as the one from British Embassy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your replies.

    I'll be obtaining a UK issued CNI before I travel to the Philippines, so with my appointment at the embassy booked I should be able to obtain the local CNI when presenting all the relevant documents. I believe the turn-around time to obtain the local CNI in this case should be no more than one working day.

    The threads I have read through regarding how to obtain a marriage license suggest I'll also need to obtain a CENOMAR from the NSO, which my fiancee should be able to obtain for me before I travel to the Philippines.

    I understand that both my fiancee and I must be present when applying for the marriage license, but at the moment I'm still not sure on whether once we have completed the paperwork and must wait for 10 days until the license is issued, whether I'm allowed to fly back to the UK for a short period. There may well be varying local requirements on this depending on where we apply for the license, so I'll need to do a bit of research!


  6. #6
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Good Luck with everything and hope it all happens as you expect it to, and enjoy your trip!!

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