I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years. He is filipino, married to a filipina. They have 2 children and have both been living and working in the UK for over five years. They have their British citizenship. Their relationship broke down many years ago but they stay together because of the children and they both want to stay in the UK.
We are both in our forties and have now reached the point where we realise that life is too short and we want to live together and be a proper couple. I have accepted that they may never divorce or even get an annulment as they're both Catholic and also because the whole issue of ending a marriage is very complicated and costly. We have not yet admitted to her that we are together but we have plans to do so very soon. He loves his children very much and wants to continue to see and support them but that is where our biggest concern lies as we are worried she may take them back home to the Philippines. They are aged 12 and 4.
He is prepared to give up everything to be with me - his rights to the house and shared finances, possessions etc but I would hate for him to lose his children too.
I don't need advice or well meaning comments about breaking up marriages, what about her feelings etc etc - their marriage was well over before he met me! He tried to repair it despite her having an affair previously but she's been unwilling to seek marriage guidance or actually actively try to make their marriage work.
Has anyone been in this situation or do they know if she could take his children away? Any replies would be gratefully received - thanks in advance!