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Thread: best bank account, saving account that suits you

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    best bank account, saving account that suits you

    what bank do you use, and do you use it here and in the phils, we are looking at moving our account, i just have a few direct debits now so its more about savings now, but we are also looking at the distant future too, for when we make the move to the phils, i have no idea about banking over seas , i hate the thought of paying extra for these accounts like premier account and stuff like that but is there any other stuff out there

  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    I would keep your UK and Philippine accounts separate to avoid the fees!
    We have accounts at most of the major banks here in the philippines due to our business. Saves us or our customers paying a transaction fee.
    Can you be more specific with the question as i could write a book on banks here. Only you and me would understand it due to us getting our words muddled up

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The interest rates are not that great here these days..I think we are getting 2.75 % in a 30 day time deposit account... Basically that just means that you get your interest gets added to your balance every 30 days.
    Im more concerned these days in changing most of my pounds as I can see the rate continuing to plunge.
    Its a good plan is to save in pesos but remember to stick to the major banks and dont forget that the PDIC insures only 500,000 Pesos per account holder should the bank fail..(very unlikely with banks like BPI, BDO,Metro bank,PSbank etc In my view)

    Exchange rates are not always that good either.. so shop around.

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