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Thread: Anti-migrant march date is a step closer

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  1. #1
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    This "anti-migrant" march is a very dangerous idea. Even if the organisers have peaceful intentions, it would likely be hijacked by the BNP and right wing thugs.

    But that part of the country has its own specific issues. The type of low-paid seasonal agricultural work on offer simply wouldn't be taken up by the indiginous population, so migrants are essential.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    This "anti-migrant" march is a very dangerous idea. Even if the organisers have peaceful intentions, it would likely be hijacked by the BNP and right wing thugs.

    But that part of the country has its own specific issues. The type of low-paid seasonal agricultural work on offer simply wouldn't be taken up by the indiginous population, so migrants are essential.
    the March in Boston last year was peaceful no BNP.

    who did the seasonal agricultural worker in the past ?

    many people are against uncontrolled immigration, the gov can try and control the numbers coming from outside the EU (make it more difficult for British citizens to bring their spouse here) but they cant control people coming from inside the EU which is

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    This "anti-migrant" march is a very dangerous idea. Even if the organisers have peaceful intentions, it would likely be hijacked by the BNP and right wing thugs.

    But that part of the country has its own specific issues. The type of low-paid seasonal agricultural work on offer simply wouldn't be taken up by the indiginous population, so migrants are essential.
    Specific issues

    So lets have the required number of low paid seasonal immigrants. What the good people of Boston have got is thousands of Eastern European criminals and scroungers plus their offspring causing immense strain on health, education, housing and law enforcement resources.

    A bit of background reading

    Latvian mother who already receives £34,000 in benefits demands a bigger council house for her TEN children

    Read more:

    Our town's like a foreign country and locals can't cope with the immigrants, says mother after TV clash with academic on Question Time

    Read more:

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