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It appears that your husband is exempt from the Financial Requirement income threshold.
To support this exemption you'll need to submit at least 1 bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into the person's account, also you'll need to submit some official documentation from the UK Department for Work and Pensions confirming the entitlement and the amount being received.
This evidence will also be required to evidence adequate maintenance (see below) therefore I would personally suggest submission of 3 months bank statements.
Under your circumstances UKBA do not stipulate that bank statements must be the latest, but personally I would try to provide the latest you can do just to keep all risks to minimum. October and November are technically accepted however, despite being quite far out of date. Just my suggestion if it's easy to achieve.
Now, since there is an exemption from the Financial Requirement, this means that you husband needs to clearly show
The Immigration Rules state that ‘adequate’ and ‘adequately’ in relation to a maintenance and accommodation means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of gross income that would be available to them if the family was in receipt of income support.
Currently, the level of Income Support is £111.45 per week for a couple so this is what needs to be evidenced.