If we didn't let them get across the border in the first place they wouldn't attract the attention of the stupid hand-wringers in this pathetic country of ours (well, used to be ours

Kick the illegals out and keep them out.
Seal the borders TIGHT.
Search properly EVERY vehicle.
The transport lobby will complain, but so what. If they don't like it, goods can be sent in the holds of ships, as they used to be.
Half the damned trucks are bringing in stuff we could be producing here anyway, and keeping people here in employment.
It's all profit over quality of life now, in this country.
- To sell us a TV for £125 instead of a £150. To bring us fruit from other European countries, half of which is thrown away, or some unheard of brand of German biscuits or Yoghourt.
Competition, consumerism, rat race, stress.
What is the true cost though ?
Broken homes, debt, obesity, ballooning population, scattered families, kids sitting in their bedrooms communicating over the net or on their mobile phone instead of getting fresh air and exercise.
Adults getting no exercise, eating takeaway garbage and then paying to go to a gym, where they sit posing around for an hour with little discernible benefit apart from to their ego.
A country run by salesman posing as Solicitors, conmen and parasites.
Claim this compensation claim that, claim the other. Who cares that people, especially our youngsters can no longer afford to insure a vehicle, that the ones at school can't go on school trips anymore and ENJOY themselves, that every cost connected with the building trade has gone up because ANY employee wanting to climb a ladder has to have health and safety training in using it, etc etc etc.
Our society is being SUFFOCATED and rendered helpless and defenceless in the face of direct threats to our traditional way of life.