you all know one day i will be there , and you all know the way i think about what to live in also, so i have been thinking today about another way to live out there cheap for the first few months while you think is this for you sort of thing, CAMPING, not your little tent but the big ones you get with sleeping pods and all that stuff, you see then advertised on tv and in your camping shops, all look great outdoor living and including the kitchen sink, with the deals you can get i am sure its worth a go, you have a secure lot and pitch the tent you have running water and electric too, may take some getting us to but its like anything you have to give it a chance, i am not saying its for ever but its a start, and you can always have your container to store all your things in and if the weather turns out bad you can pop into it too, just another mad thought from me but its a thought, Fred you did mention lots for lease too