Some of the contributors who took part in debating this topic previously are no longer on the forum, and I appreciate those who have looked at the original thread and posted again – including Lordna.

The Daily Mail states that £10K prize money is on offer to anyone who can prove homeopathy works. It apparently remains unclaimed. Anecdotes, for example, about cancers being “ cured “ by homeopathy are unproven – we know that a tiny minority of patients who have refused proven treatments may recover spontaneously.

There is – to my knowledge – no new evidence available to change people’s minds. All the more remarkable that the NHS still spends on homeopathy despite expert advice, and the Department of Health says “ it’s up to local organisations to decide whether to fund it “.

Watch this space ! The “ reforms “ of the NHS in England – “ devolving power “ to GPs may make little positive difference to patients, but GPs ( not the Department ) could be targeted by the press and blamed for hospital mergers and closures, increasing waiting times, and lack of access to expensive drugs which are inevitable in austere times. Spending on unproven homeopathic remedies should be one of the first cost-cutting exercises – every little helps !