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Thread: Check this guy out!!

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Check this guy out!!

    I was directed to a site called "Get real Philippines" the other day.. I saw that site and have seen the posts of its Filipino University intellectual (wanna be politicians)types with nothing but a negative view of their country and countrymen for a few years now..
    Im not saying that they do not always have valid points..just saying that they almost NEVER propose positive solutions.. Sound like real future Politicians to me!!
    So anyway...I checked the link and find the posts of a Dutch .... named Robert Haighton..
    This geezer has visited the R.P twice and now has found this forum/blog to slag down Filipino`s with his European superiority complex..
    Well Im sorry!!! My Mrs is a Filipino and I aint about to allow this ignoramus to insult Filipino culture unchallenged.. He has a Filipino GF that from his posts must have been put in a seriously compromising situation.. Poor girl.
    If anyone wishes to join me on the Filipino culture defense team... please do!!!

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Thank you Graham!!
    What a Twot!! What do you reckon??

    Read what he says here for instance..

    I am not a ........ I did the Mano as ordered. But if that made her parents happy then wow. Id its a handshake to them to then let them handshake me back. Come on they dont deserve more respect than I do just bec they are older. What did they achieve in their lives more than I did? Becoming parents? Bec some frigging book ordered them to do so? BTW: to mock their Mano systen I did the Mano to someone who was younger than me. In the presence of the parents. “Hiya”? I dont care.

    I surely can bend re Mano but I will be doing something that is so empty to me and it should also be very empty for them, knowing that I dont actually respect them by doing the Mano. Who’s fooling who? Again you have to earn my respect as I have to earn yours (based on achievements and not based on age. Age is NOT an achievement, being a parent is NOT an achievement. The examples are no principels but facts of life).
    So because they are narrow-minded they wont have to take the first step and who is making a mountain out of a mole? At least I am able to see the view of both parties; will/can they?

    My country is not perfect but compared to the Philippines my country is heaven living in total freedom with options to choose from. Compared to that I regard and see the Philippines as living inside a jail.

    Damn.. This prick should be blacklisted already!!

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I really think my partner is still very dependent on getting her parents “okay” about every (next) step. While in my country we can even do the exact opposite of what our parents would like us to do. But in most cases our parents will say “Hey, if that makes you happy, then go for it” We are not dependent on the “blessings” of our parents. Why? Because we were already raised (by them) to become – emotionally and otherwise – independent individuals. After high school – at the age of 18 – most kids will leave their parental home. They may only visit their parents for their birthdays or stay over to see friends.
    You see.. This is a huge difference between Euro culture and Filipino culture!!
    Neither is right or wrong .
    I just know which I prefer and admire the most and thats why I am happier here.
    He forgot to mention that many European mothers end up alone in care homes and the kids see them even less.
    Not like that here in the Philippines..
    Its more fun here!
    (especially when you are older)

  5. #5
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    That dick-head? He doesnt know the real meaning of the word love, his word is full of hatred.
    I found that your views regarding us (filipinos) are very blunt and even more disrespectfull of our cultures. Our Country is consist of 7107 island and visiting the philippines only twice,probably in a few islands only will not suffice to comment on what your negative views had seen so far. My country may not be a perfect place as it has some flaws as well as other countries including yours but, I say youre not seeing the beauty of it through your own opinion I guess the proverb' saying "We dont see things as they are, we see them as we are " is just a remarkable truth! You have come to a country with a good christianity relegion so, respect that!

  6. #6
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    Just apologizing for mistakenly putting your name instead of robert. I just have to repost my reply directed to him. Soooooooo sorry struggling with my ipad key board and will just go back to my net pad to avoid anymore mistake. I promise

  7. #7
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    Probably a good thing he doesn't spend much time in the Phils, because with that attitude he's going to end up dead.

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    That Dutch guy is just like the rest of Westerners who haven't got a clue about everything in the Philippines! Men/Women who thought they know everything from a visit or two and from reading comments/blogs/articles etc.! I feel so sorry for his girlfriend! Good job Fred for the things you said!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I was directed to a site called "Get real Philippines" the other day.. I saw that site and have seen the posts of its Filipino University intellectual (wanna be politicians)types with nothing but a negative view of their country and countrymen for a few years now..
    Im not saying that they do not always have valid points..just saying that they almost NEVER propose positive solutions.. Sound like real future Politicians to me!!
    So anyway...I checked the link and find the posts of a Dutch .... named Robert Haighton..
    This geezer has visited the R.P twice and now has found this forum/blog to slag down Filipino`s with his European superiority complex..
    Well Im sorry!!! My Mrs is a Filipino and I aint about to allow this ignoramus to insult Filipino culture unchallenged.. He has a Filipino GF that from his posts must have been put in a seriously compromising situation.. Poor girl.
    If anyone wishes to join me on the Filipino culture defense team... please do!!!
    I'll take a look tomorrow when I have more time, and join in the fun.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    This guy comes across as a bit 'odd' to me.


    • Robert Haighton Here are 3 pics of Florabelle Cagigas Rendon (aka Belle Crendon) in bikini taken Monday 13 August 2012 while in Singapore, but Florabelle insisted to delete them.
      11 January at 16:40 · Edited · Like

    • Robert Haighton P8130648.jpg, P8130650.jpg and P8130660.jpg. All were taken between 08.23AM and 08.30AM. Florabelle only sent me those 3 pics but if you read the numbers of the pics you will notice that more pics were taken but not sent to me.
      11 January at 16:41 · Edited · Like

    Seems like he's got his trophy lady anyway, but only 17 facebook friends ?

    The only Filipina listed being:

    Marissa Torres Langseth
    Founder and Chairwoman (Volunteer) at Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society Inc

    Ok, I'm an Atheist can't say too much.

  12. #12
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    "Get real Philippines" been and had a read , what a ker,

    probly he has damaged brain cells from too much smoke in hollands caffee's

  13. #13
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    his french not so good -told me to go .... myself

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Spud View Post
    Just apologizing for mistakenly putting your name instead of robert. I just have to repost my reply directed to him. Soooooooo sorry struggling with my ipad key board and will just go back to my net pad to avoid anymore mistake. I promise
    ... Oops!!
    Dont worry about it..These things

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