Hi Stevewool,

Don't take the advice of people who you think will put you down on your plans, in the end its you dreams fulfillments not theirs, they just probably give you an inputs on the negative side of your decission which you have to weigh the pros and cons.

I have aunts (3) in Germany and they got married there, they buy lands and build their houses in Siquijor Phils. They love to live there despite the electric power shortage (we always have brown-outs and black-outs) in our province but they still want to live there. I myself consider of going back and retire in Philippines when I'm on that stage . I'll just buy a generator or a solar panels installed if got loads of cash.

Do what makes you happy. You don't have to work in the Philippines but you can have your business there to generate money for the day to days life. It just needs planning and preparation. So goodluck in the future
