Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
i aint being nega but i can say that PI is only good for short holiday. Living there aint easy, yes it has nice climate and very tropical sceneries but life aint a holiday. its very minimal to get a job that has decent wage in there. living as well can be tough if the is no money coming in in the household.

positive thoughts will be always try new things, we dont know you might find yourself comfy in future in the PI. just make the most of what youve got and enjoy every bits.

wishing u all the best. xxx
Weird, as I feel the opposite when I arrived here in UK.. For me, UK is only good for short holiday. I've got everything when I was in the Philippines, be with my family 24/7, i have a good job with decent wage, great friends, some luxuries in life (like travel, go to derma and salon monthly, spa, massages, etc.)..but when I came here, I can't do anything at all..hahaha.. But honestly, the only reason for me to stay here in the UK is Keith.