I have noticed that since Conservatives came into power they have put up numerous obstacles to discourage us Brits from going abroad to marry or befriend a foreigner and bring them back to Britain.
For example since they came into power they have:
1) Increased spouse VISA fee by double from £500 to nearly £1,000
2) Introduced meaningless English test for would be filipino spouse, when you can go and marry an eastern european or any other european outside of britain who does not speak a word of english and bring to britain without any problem.
And I think this is just the beginning, bcoz If conservatives win the next election we can expect them to put even harder obstacles in our path by increasing the pass level of the English test etc...
Those of us that have already got our filipina wife and gfriends here should count yourself lucky becoz I think things are going to get even harder to get any type of VISA in the future.
We are getting hammered simply bcoz we are playing by the rules when people who don't want to play by the rule and knows the right contacts for like 600 Euros can get his filipina wife or gfriend a genuine eastern european passport from one of the corrupt eastern european states with name of his filipina wife and use that to enter Britain.
Does anyone else feel like the screw is tightning more and more with regards to all types of British VISA?
Well, i'm still waiting for my wife to pass her english test at the second attempt so fingers crossed.
I just wished I had met my wife 3 or 4yrs ago when there was less obstacles in our path or should I say before conservatives came into power![]()