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Thread: kuripot

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well Kuripot or just carefull, in the days when i was single and did everything in the house , cleaning , shopping and cooking, in them days when cooking i would use everything that was in the tin and then wash it out and pour that in too, just like the butter get the knife round the corners and scrap every last bit up, but now Ems does most of the cooking and the tins and butter and everything else she opens there is still enough left in them to feed a army, does your partner do that

  2. #2
    Respected Member filbrit's Avatar
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    Hi Stevewoll, based on what you said I will call you MASINOP instead of kuripot. It's a more positive Filipino term. Kuripot can be unreasonable. I used to be like your Ems but my husband is like you. It didn't took long for me to adopt his attitude because I think he is so right being masinop. I think having a family here is not so easy despite having a good paying job. Better save in anyway you can.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filbrit View Post
    Hi Stevewoll, based on what you said I will call you MASINOP instead of kuripot. It's a more positive Filipino term. Kuripot can be unreasonable. I used to be like your Ems but my husband is like you. It didn't took long for me to adopt his attitude because I think he is so right being masinop. I think having a family here is not so easy despite having a good paying job. Better save in anyway you can.
    very well said, every little helps they say, and it does

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Yes youre dead right Steve, I'm exactly the same as you, in fact (don't laugh) I even wash and polish my wheelie bins after they have been emptied and they really look smart

  5. #5
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    Did somebody call ?

    With me it's just instinctive.

    I hate waste, however much money I have.

    Plus, there are babies dying of starvation in this world...or even little birds in my garden waiting for the crumbs off my plate that may keep them alive during another freezing night.

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