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Thread: Application date in a few days!

  1. #1
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    Application date in a few days!

    Hi Everyone,

    Youve been my source of knowledge for the past 4 months and now the day to apply is a few days away after a long slog getting everything together we need. I am applying uder cat b with 12 months worth of payslips and bank statements. I just want to check I have everything in place and everythings seems good to go.

    Firstly by the end of this month I would of earnt over 24k with overtime and and commision. I am choosing to apply end of this month as my salary is £18180 base. My managing director has confirmed it in writing that on the 15th feb I will be paid in excess of 3.5K bonus which already take my base salary above the min requirement after the application date and also that I am getting a payrise in april which boosts it even more above. So can easily evidence the £18600 prior and after application date.

    I had a housing report done from the council and have also included a letter from my landlord along with a new tenancy explaining this will come into place when my spouse is here. But I havent taken any pics as didnt feel necessary when inspection report shows more than adequate. Do you think I should include photos?

    If everything sounds good to you all. Then im ready to go and have created a table of docs which if someone could just have a look at and let me know if its to much, not enough or mssing something that would be great.

    And lastly on the day when we apply what exactly do we need to print off and fill in?

    Index of Supporting Documents

    I: Applicants Information

    A: VAF4A Application Form.
    B: Introduction Letter.
    C: Applicants Passport details.
    D: English Examination Results.
    E: Original Birth Certificate.
    F: NSO showing never been married before.
    G: NBI clearance.
    H: Biometric Information – TO DO

    II: Sponsors Information

    A: Sponsor’s Letter of Introduction.
    B: Original Birth Certificate.

    C: Copy of Passport Bio Page.
    1: Copy of Sponsors Passport Philippine visa stamps

    D: Change of name deed poll – I changed my name to my mother’s new surname after she remarried.
    1: Original expired passport showing name before deed poll change.

    E: Employment Information
    1: Letters of Employment from my employers.
    2: Employment Contract from my employers.
    3: Payslips last 12 months.
    4: P60 for 2012.
    5: Bank statements last 12 months.

    F: Evidence of Accommodation
    1: Letter from Landlord verifying accommodation agreement.
    2: Letter from council confirming Immigration Inspection.
    3: Signed Letting Agreement already signed for when spouse moves in.
    4: Signed Letting Agreement current tenancy.

    III: Evidence of Relationship

    A: Marriage
    1: Original Copy of Marriage Certificate from British Embassy Manila
    2: Certificate of No Impediment
    3: Wedding photographs
    4: Correspondence with British Embassy and receipts for payment to them for Civil Partnership
    5: Wedding Cards

    B: Intervening Devotion
    1: Flight confirmations from visits
    2: Spending money receipts ordered in Peso.
    3: Flight Receipts for trips taken whilst in Philippines.
    4: Photos of us together in Philippines on various trips.
    5: Receipt’s for money sent to applicant from sponsor - UK to the Philippines
    6: Facebook screen shots
    7: Skype screen shots
    8: Mail sent to Philippines
    9: Christmas cards from family and friends address to us both.

    Thank you, so much for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    It's not possible for anyone to give guidance solely based on a list of documents.
    The evidence submitted must comply with the specified UKBA requirements.

    In connection with your earned income for the Financial Requirement it must clearly show £18600 for the 12 months up to the date of application. There is no flexibility allowed at all outside of this rule.
    You cannot submit documents on promised future payments.

    Please proceed with caution and do not take any risks.
    Common sense, reasonable approach and flexibility do not apply. Period

  3. #3
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    I do evidence over 18600 as of 31st jan infact it will show 24k up to 31st and I have guareenteed payrise in april and as I am applying the 31st jan my boss also confirms in writting as I have a contractual agreement to comission that I will be paid over £3k after app date, this is endorsed by a managing director and hr dept. I will recieve the payment of 3k on the 15th feb! Do you think this wouldnt work?

    I have 12 months of bank statements and payslips showing amount earnt, just waiting for last one to come through now.

    To me, I dont see any risks infact as they state overtime and commision are taken into consideration. I know my base salary is slightly less, but it is base. Work have confirmed the contractual agreement for commission and already know what im getting in feb.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    As Terpe advises, tread with caution ... be absolutely sure you've covered ALL contingencies and good luck!

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