How can the Office of Fair Trading do a whitewash over this ?

MPs and motoring groups have reacted furiously after the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) decided not to hold a full inquiry into whether fuel prices in the UK are being manipulated.

The OFT said there is “no evidence” that high petrol and diesel prices in the UK are causing bad behaviour in the industry.

It said that the petrol market is “working well” – despite consumers paying near-record prices at the pumps.

The report said that pre-tax, “the UK has some of the cheapest road fuel prices in Europe”.

Why is it I can drive to a nearby town and get diesel £0.08 per litre cheaper than all the garages in this town ? I pay £0.55 for my Daily Mail whether I buy it in Lands End, John O Groats, Heathrow Airport or a Motorway Service Area.