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Thread: any body from uk got a working visa for philippines !

  1. #1
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    any body from uk got a working visa for philippines !

    hi all, just a quick one lol,,,,, me, my wife & our little boy had planned to leave philippines this year and settle in spain for a few years, but guess what happened ( we are now expecting twin's so our plans are back on hold for a few months ! we are just juggling around with a few idea's, so i can spend time in the fill's with my family for 1more year, i / we thought about me taking up employment in the philippines so i dont have to be away in the uk working, yes i have 2 skill's but my job now is floor & wall tiling, we was just wondering what is the requirements of me being self employed in the fill's, can i just set up and work or do i have to be employed by a philipine company ? and what visa would i need, some friends in the fill's said we need to set up a business under my wifes name and then im legal to work for her with a visa ? but what visa we dont know ! hope some body else has done this and can help ! yes we know i wont get rich in the fill's but we could manage on a small income and savings we have ! thanks in advance bri & ivy

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Brian,
    We have some very experienced and helpful members here who are living in those paradise islands.
    Please be patient with the time difference and I'm sure you'll get the support/advise you need.

    By the way, many many congratulations on the twins
    I realise it's going to be a tough challenge financially, but it's also going to be double joy, double happiness and a wonderful time.
    Wish I could have experienced that.
    It's very very special.
    Good luck!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    thank's terpe oh yes im looking forward to the joy of coping lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Maybe the local municipal govt can help you as they have the procedures and the list of documents required. Your wife can get that for you and with the help from attorney in-fact,all legal documentation can be process smoothly.

    Quote Originally Posted by BRIAN WEBSTER View Post
    hi all, just a quick one lol,,,,, me, my wife & our little boy had planned to leave philippines this year and settle in spain for a few years, but guess what happened ( we are now expecting twin's so our plans are back on hold for a few months ! we are just juggling around with a few idea's, so i can spend time in the fill's with my family for 1more year, i / we thought about me taking up employment in the philippines so i dont have to be away in the uk working, yes i have 2 skill's but my job now is floor & wall tiling, we was just wondering what is the requirements of me being self employed in the fill's, can i just set up and work or do i have to be employed by a philipine company ? and what visa would i need, some friends in the fill's said we need to set up a business under my wifes name and then im legal to work for her with a visa ? but what visa we dont know ! hope some body else has done this and can help ! yes we know i wont get rich in the fill's but we could manage on a small income and savings we have ! thanks in advance bri & ivy

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Fred would be the right person to give you advice. Just wait for it though as he's online Philippines time

    Congrats on your twins!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    As far as I know you cannot work in the phills until you have an I-Card, and thats not a tourist one.

  7. #7
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    thank you,

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Hi Brian..Yeah,in theory you need a special work permit or a work visa..See links below.

    I can work here legally because I applied for and got a 13a visa which is really a resident visa but if you are only going to stay for one year then I doubt its worth applying for it.
    The good thing about a 13a is the fact that it is permanent and only a yearly report fee to pay (310.00 Pesos)..

    I`ll be quite honest with you though.. I reckon you are going to have a pretty tough time securing any work unless you are prepared for a bit a salary decrease!!
    I need a tiler to do my front portch area.. I think the Mrs has found a good one but he is a bit pricey at 400.00 Pesos a day!! You see my point? We used to spend more than that on a quick tea break in the building game back in UK.. Your permit is gonna cost you close to 7k which is about a months wages.
    Obviously,I dont know your financial situation but If i were you I`d reconsider your plans and just plan to budget your savings till its time to get your family to Spain.. Your priority now is to keep the twins safe and secure..
    Good luck with whatever you decide and welcome to the forum BTW!!!

  9. #9
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    There may be a few foreign companies happy to employ local expats as it saves them paying relocation fees and a higher salary. These would be hard to find and more than likely a call center or similar.
    Your wife could set up a company and you could work for her as in the Philippines you are counted as one entity. In theory you are supposed to apply for a work permit waiver which is free and easily given. I have worked for my wife since we opened our business and have never had any problems.
    As Fred said if you plan to stay for another year is it really worth looking for a job or setting up a business.
    Congratulations on the twins

  10. #10
    Member BRIAN WEBSTER's Avatar
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    thank you fred ; for some good pointers. your info is very helpfull on our situation and we will sit back and look at all the pro's & con's and hope we can decide the best way forward

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