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Thread: relocation

  1. #1
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    I've searched the site and found one comment where it would not be a problem for a filipino to enter Italy...I've read things about proposing to your g/f in Hong Kong...

    But what i would like to know is... can my Ecxy travel freely to Hong Kong?

    Apparently i can get a 4 year visa which will allow me to work in Hong Kong...

    So this (to those who know) will allow me to birng Ecxy to UK without proof of relationship.....not that I really want to return anyway...

    i guess my situation is slightly different from everyone else... I'm able to go anywhere to be with Ecxy...except Ph or Uk... and as far as i can see ...especially after viewing American laws regarding a Ph wives entry requirements, the Uk seems to be the toughest to enter.

    Can Ecxy travel freely to Hong Kong?
    If so all i gotta do is apply for a Y allow me to work ...and gives me 8 months to find work...

  2. #2
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    Why do you want to complicate things when its seems to me that you have`nt
    completed the UK application yet, or have i got it wrong.

    If your sincere with marriage I cant see you having any problems that you cant overcome. Lots of resources on this and other sites for advice, always ask you local MP
    for help if you get stuck, the more right wing he is the better.
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  3. #3
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    I know for sure that all Filipinos are entitled to an automatic 2 week visa on arrival in Hong Kong. Beyond this, they need to get a visa to work, ideally arranged before entering Hong Kong, as Elsa did.

    All British subjects get an 6 month visa on arrival, but of course, cannot work. I would asume this 4 year visa you mention is granted only on condition of a job offer?

    You cannot bring your girl back to the UK until she has entry clearance and the rules are the same regardles of which country you apply in, but Gary if you can, try to get married in Hong Kong, you will for sure get an much easier ride from the British Embassy with visa applications there compared to the unsavoury lot in Manila.

    I think you'll find that the Yanks have a much harder time getting visas for thier Asawa's - its a long drawn out process that last a minimum of 9 -12 months, and involve interviews, medicals, evidence of this, evidence of that. The UK system is a walk in the park, just an interview (and not even that according to latest stories re: CAVA), and if all is well, the visa is issued straightaway...In Elsas case, even with local checks, the whole thing was done in 6 weeks from phoning for an appointment to getting the stamp on the passport.

  4. #4
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    Deepete.... Things are already complicated enough..I currently live in France and am in the process of selling my house. So you can imagine.....

    Rob, thanks for the info...much appreciated.

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    Did the French 'celebrate' Nelson? :lol:

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    I think they celebrated it the same time as winning the olympics , wonder if they would buy the olympics off us,gona be chaos around East London with the preparation for it.

    I'm able to go anywhere to be with Ecxy...except Ph or Uk.

    Gary, why cant you stay in the P.I.?

    How about Ireland, I heard they were easier with the benefit of no language problems,before the drink kicks in.

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  7. #7
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    Originally posted by deepete@Oct 22 2005, 11:42 AM

    Gary, why cant you stay in the P.I.?


    Well, apparently, from the info i have uncovered from the php embassy web site and a few others...i need at least 40,000 US dollars to move there as one of the requirements... so that kinda leaves me a little short of cash...

  8. #8
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    I think you will find that you can stay there on extended visa`s but have to leave the country once a year, to somewhere like Hong Kong, and return after a few days and start the process over again.

    Placing the large deposit just means you dont have to do that and can reside permanantly, that was my take on it

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  9. #9
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    Thanks Peter...I'll look into that more...

    But i'd aslo have to apply for work permit too...

    I'll see what i dig up

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Gary@Oct 23 2005, 09:46 AM
    Thanks Peter...I'll look into that more...

    But i'd aslo have to apply for work permit too...

    I'll see what i dig up
    All depends on what type of work you do. You don't automatically get a work visa just because you apply, especially if it is for a job a local guy can do.
    I 'lived' in the PI for nine years, with nothing more than a tourist visa, even though I rented a house, and owned a motorcycle and several cars. I left every six weeks to go to work, as a seaman, and came back as a tourist. Many people do that, but for longer periods.

    If you got married to your lady in Hong Kong, and flew into the PI together, you would automatically gat a one year Balikbayan visa. Or even if you married her in the PI and left to go on honeymoon somewhere, you'd get the visa when you returned. Sure makes life simple.

    When we moved to the UK getting a settlement visa for my wife was just a question of queuing up and applying, visa granted same day.

  11. #11
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    If you got married to your lady in Hong Kong, and flew into the PI together, you would automatically gat a one year Balikbayan visa. Or even if you married her in the PI and left to go on honeymoon somewhere, you'd get the visa when you returned. Sure makes life simple.

    When we moved to the UK getting a settlement visa for my wife was just a question of queuing up and applying, visa granted same day.

    Firstly, thank you so very much for that little snippet of info, i've been chasing loads of stuff latley trying to find this out.

    well, house is sold and final payment arrives on november 15th, then i'm off to visit Ecxy, then go to hong kong, buy my business certificate, get my work visa, visit Ecxy again, return to HK, set up my business, either get Ecxy to HK to marry or in PH to marry, then take her to HK to live, if that's possible... i can't see why there should be a problem with that if all the pieces of this huge puzzle fit nicely

    i will be setting up a small shop or market stall selling items from UK, will also apply for part time work teaching english, good money in p^laces, up to 300HK dollars an hour.

    currently i'm sat in a net cafe in a town called Pontivy in central Brittany, have no electric or phone line in my house any more so roughing it a little for these last few days.

    will be back in here on monday to check any updates to this.

    thanks so much all

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 5 2005, 12:54 PM

    i will be setting up a small shop or market stall selling items from UK, will also apply for part time work teaching english, good money in p^laces, up to 300HK dollars an hour.

    That sounds interesting, but I'm wondering what sort of stuff from the UK would sell well in Hong Kong. Apart from Rolls Royces
    Good luck though.

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    Car radios :P

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  14. #14
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    Originally posted by admin@Nov 5 2005, 05:39 PM
    Car radios :P


    that and double decker busses seeing as they are about to be made extinct.
    bit hard to get one of them on a market stall though.

    well, i need a shower and then go to go talk to my estate agent, then chat to my darling, wonderful Ecxy.

    take care everyone, will let you know what happens as and when i get net access.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Gary@Nov 7 2005, 01:37 PM

    that and double decker busses seeing as they are about to be made extinct.
    bit hard to get one of them on a market stall though.

    well, i need a shower and then go to go talk to my estate agent, then chat to my darling, wonderful Ecxy.

    take care everyone, will let you know what happens as and when i get net access.

    So how are things progressing then ?

    Incidentally, you'll only get the Balikbayan if entering the Philippines TOGETHER from YOUR home country ( UK), that is, the one who's passport you hold.

    Won't work from a 'third' country.

    Been there, done everything you're thinking of doing, already.

    Best of luck though. ;)

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by grahamw48@Dec 3 2005, 03:09 PM
    So how are things progressing then ?

    Incidentally, you'll only get the Balikbayan if entering the Philippines TOGETHER from YOUR home country ( UK), that is, the one who's passport you hold.

    Won't work from a 'third' country.

    Been there, done everything you're thinking of doing, already.

    Best of luck though.
    I got a Balikbayan visa when I came in from Singapore with my wife. I thought it was arriving from anywhere, not just home country.

    Never easy and simple in the PI is it? :(

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by grahamw48@Dec 3 2005, 02:09 PM
    So how are things progressing then ?

    Incidentally, you'll only get the Balikbayan if entering the Philippines TOGETHER from YOUR home country ( UK), that is, the one who's passport you hold.

    Unless I read it wrong, you are giving the wrong information...Elsa and I arrived at NAIA from Hong Kong on Cebu Pacific last month, and I got the Balikbayan no problem at all - all we did was to hand our 2 passports to immigration together and voila, a 1 year stamp on my passport. The flight originated from Hong Kong, not the UK.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Dec 3 2005, 04:49 PM
    Unless I read it wrong, you are giving the wrong information...Elsa and I arrived at NAIA from Hong Kong on Cebu Pacific last month, and I got the Balikbayan no problem at all - all we did was to hand our 2 passports to immigration together and voila, a 1 year stamp on my passport. The flight originated from Hong Kong, not the UK.
    You were lucky then.

    Read the Philippine DFA website for the regulations.

    As you may know, things can be interpreted differently by local officials, but you may be tripped up by immigration on a future occasion (visa renewal,etc) upon re-examination of your passport.

    They may ask who gave you your 'fake' Balikbayan stamp.

    Perhaps the law has changed during the last 2 years.

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by grahamw48@Dec 3 2005, 06:18 PM
    You were lucky then.

    Read the Philippine DFA website for the regulations.

    As you may know, things can be interpreted differently by local officials, but you may be tripped up by immigration on a future occasion (visa renewal,etc) upon re-examination of your passport.

    They may ask who gave you your 'fake' Balikbayan stamp.

    Perhaps the law has changed during the last 2 years.
    I think theres some confusion, and yes maybe things have changed in last 2 years.

    What I am referring to is the stamp you or I get on entering immigration at Manila, not your wife, as she already has a Filipino passport.

    As long as you both present your passports at immigration, the foreign passport holder will get an automatic 1 year visa, as long as both passports share the same family name. Theres nothing fake about it - its a right you have being married to your Filipina.

    Be aware this is just a leave to stay visa, employment, etc are not allowed.

  20. #20
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    So, once married, your wife needs to change her name in her passport before you leave the country for honeymoon, Yes?

    if so, how long does that take... normally people go on honey moon immediately after wedding...

    hhhmmmmm... confused.. never been married so don't know that situations.


  21. #21
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    Originally posted by Gary@Dec 5 2005, 04:37 AM
    So, once married, your wife needs to change her name in her passport before you leave the country for honeymoon, Yes?

    if so, how long does that take... normally people go on honey moon immediately after wedding...

    hhhmmmmm... confused.. never been married so don't know that situations.


    You just need to show your marriage certificate.

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