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Thread: baby milk

  1. #1
    Member Takenoprisoners's Avatar
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    baby milk

    Hi, in April travelling to phils with my 2yr old boy, does anyone know what is the equivalent or similar baby food (powder) to APTAMIL in the UK, or what is a good recommended baby food to use in phils. Not practical to take tins of babyfood with me, lol...
    thanks for any information.


  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Have never seen Aptamil and we buy milk for my wife's nephews and nieces kids on a regular basis. Better than giving them cash
    Where in the Philippines are you going? In the more populated areas of the Philippines there are wide range of local and imported milk formulas available. One of the best seems to be Gain.

  3. #3
    Member Takenoprisoners's Avatar
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    going to cebu city, there are several makes on offer correct, nestle, fenturra, howard johnson to name a few but trying to find out what is most popular and widely used by uk residents visiting phils, they dont sell aptamil in phils, thats why im asking....
    I will look at GAIN, never heard of that one.....

  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Its actually called Gain Plus. Try looking at Pediasure and Promil.
    As you said some of the UK residents might be more helpful. Hope you find a suitable alternative.

  5. #5
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    Hi Terry ,yes there are many brands,when we were there -i think we used alacta for one of our children ,but our 2nd child stopped drinking milk after he was 1 yr old ,here is an article that might be of interest http://www.chroniclesofanursingmom.c...-toddlers.html

  6. #6
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Hi Terry,

    Our son is nearly 15 months now and has grown up so far on Enfalac and EnfaGrow, which is a follow on milk powder. This is available in many outlets in Phils and I am sure where you are going too. It is not the cheapest, but I know that my son is big and strong already. I am sure we will use the same when our new baby comes along too.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  7. #7
    Member Takenoprisoners's Avatar
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    Okay, thanks for all your replies, basically The question i'm asking is if there are any famiilies from the uk, feeding their babies on uk formulas and have been to phils (cebu) for any length of time, what did they use as a replacement formula, thats what i'm i am trying to find out.... thanks everyone....

  8. #8
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    I wouldn't worry too much.

    If your child is already 2 years old, a finely minced up version of what you and your wife are eating should be fine, supplemented by any of the locally available pre-packed powdered baby foods (as suggested on this thread) that you can mix with water that has been boiled for at least 15 minutes ...including so-called 'mineral water'.

    My own boy was taken on trips there lasting from months to years, from the age of 3 months (though he was breast fed at that age).

    A fine strapping baby and now a fine teenager with no bouts of ill-health whatsoever. Just pay very careful attention to hygiene and making sure that the boy does not become too hot. Make sure your son has had all his vaccinations and boosters too.



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