I live in a so called third world country and I am surrounded by poor people,many that are living on inherited land.. There are millions and millions of hectares of land throughout the R.P that are left fallow as many of the people here seem too lazy to grow their own vegetables.
My brother in law lives with us but comes from Luzon..He is different.. Since he has been here he produces enough veg on 50 sqr meters of land to feed a family of ten..(Me included)..The locals are amazed and slowly slowly he is educating them and giving them ideas how to start their own small gardens..
Its OK for people like you that can afford to purchase your food from Asda... Over here ,us locals need to think a little more out of the box!!
It makes no difference what I suggest.. The scientists will continue to experiment with food crops and use us as guinea pigs.So are you suggesting that we stop all research on GM crops and ban them?
Here in the Philippines,Doctors are handing out antibiotics like they are sweets to treat the sick..
Imagine the antibiotic gene modification in your new food these days.. Doesn't it worry you that this could lead to our bodies eventually becoming more and more resistant to antibiotic prescriptions in the future?
How can the poor afford to purchase the new drugs that the science and pharmaceutical companies will need to produce?? (at huge profits).
They tell us they know whats best for us.. I dont trust them.
I already know whats best for me.
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