hi everyone,

I am writing this post to ask your advice and opinions about the situation where me and hubby doesn't know what to do.

My husband is dying to go for a holiday since he has been working so hard and so stressed. He wants to go holiday in Philippines this April 2 till 22, 2013 and I am really happy to go back on holiday in Phil so I can see my family and have some relaxing day also April 4 is our first wedding anniversary so its gonna be a celebration as well. But the problem is that my UK Entry clearance visa (EEA Family Permit) will expire on May 5, 2013 so I am worried that if I fly and leave the country I will experience a lot of hassle from the immigration so that's the reason why I don't wanna risk it.

is it really ok that we will go for holiday? won't i experience any prob? can i still come back here in UK?

please do help us..