There speaks the lonely voice of reason...ridiculed because he dares to stand up to publically defend the interests of the majority population of this country, and all that our forefathers fought two world wars for.
You see, our parents and grandparents didn't fight and in many cases DIE to bring peace, prosperity and harmony to Europe.
No, it was to prevent the takeover of our country by foreign powers.
Quite right Graham
I think we should come out of europe without a doubt. BUT of course I would not vote for them because their policies go too far for some of us on here. Ok I know you have to sacrifice things but our wives not being able to come here is ridiculous. If anyone can tell me otherwise it would be welcome but UKIP want to close the door to everyone. And that is not in all our favour. Just my opinion.
Interesting speech. I think we're entering interesting times politically and it appears Farage is probably going to have a say in our future direction. I can't see him working with Cameron and after yesterdays joke of the Government needing the Labour vote to get the majority on the Gay marriage bill I think Camerons popularity within his own party is sinking fast.
Farage is absolutely right The debate in Britain at the moment is about immigration and I personally will not vote for a party that does not give concrete assurances of a referendum on Europe.
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