Retail giant Tesco and discount chain Aldi revealed they have withdrawn a range of ready meals produced by French food supplier Comigel.
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Retail giant Tesco and discount chain Aldi revealed they have withdrawn a range of ready meals produced by French food supplier Comigel.
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they say contamination like it was an accident the horse meat got in the food,![]()
I miss those budget burgers.
Now they're taking my Lasagne too !![]()
if the packaging contents were honest, i wouldnt mind eating horse, after all the meat in most products like burgers is meat scraps that would normaly be waste
Yep...'mechanically recovered' - ie, raked off the bones with a bloody great scraper machine.![]()
After the horse meat scandal, china has jumped on the burger bandwagon they are now selling quarter pandas!
Now I'm a very fussy eater, but why the fuss about horsemeat? it's perfectly edible and if joints of horse meat or minced horsemeat were available I would certainly try it and if it was ok I would ceartainly buy it from time to time![]()
There's things people should be more concerned about in those ultra cheap readymeals, than a bit of horse.
but you know, we can all go back to eating pigs eyes, pigs minced penis, beef guts which haven't been fully cleaned out and contain traces of faeces - but at least it isn't horse![]()
ps I once had a cottage pie as a teenager, from a company called "Freshbake" - I think they were sort of Kwik Save own brand.
In amongst the minced beef, I found traces of minced up grass.
Think about that........................ just think for a moment. Only one explanation for that being there.
Well I eat Tripe, delicious![]()
shut your eyes pop it in your mouth and you would never know, i cannot understand what all the fuss is about other then not being told whats in the burgers and other stuff that will come out
60% Horsemeat now found in that Findus Lasagne, apparently.
What I do find annoying is that they use a household (British) brand name to give the product some credibility and heritage, then the stuff is made goodness knows where.![]()
Up to 100% horsemeat according to the BBC.
As you say if we go to the shop to purchase a Findus Beef Lasagne or a Tesco Beef burger that's what we think we are buying. Now if people wish to eat horsemeat that's fine buy me but It's not part of my chosen diet so I would like to know if it's been included in a product.
I suppose the one lesson to be learned from all this is that you really cannot trust any of these companies because the checks are not in place.
Ditch the convenience food and get back to good old fashioned home cooking.
I agree, but fortunately I already eat very little convenince food because of the tiny portions you get, and often ripoff prices for the more 'upmarket' meals.
Nearly all fresh stuff for me, and I quite enjoy (simple) cooking, so I won't be missing much.
Quick and easy to buy some BEEF, Turkey or Pork mince and make your own burgers.
Hardly accidental contamination
I've nothing against eating horsemeat at all.
As some others have said, it's really down to what checks these companies are actually doing to safeguard the foods.
Many are not checking for horsemeat simply because it's not expected to be there.
Well what else is not meant to be there? Here in UK we've been through all this before and had probably the best and safest food anywhere in the world.
Almost all of our food is cooked at home from fresh ingredients. We're lucky in that we have a traditional butcher in the village.
cant beat a good chicken![]()
Well, clearly there has been criminal activity involved and a definite failure on the part of those tasked with protecting food standards.
Horsemeat is not likely to kill anyone, but what else is being missed ?
There need to be prosecutions and heavy fines/prison sentences imposed in the aftermath of this sorry affair.
This is also a good example of what can happen when outside (EU) suppliers are used where standards, attitudes and motivations are totally different to our own, and in a commercial world where manufacturers and retailers are interested in only one thing above all else...PROFIT.
As I have said before, governments and the general business culture now have the morals of back-street car dealers and double-glazing salesmen.![]()
I overdosed on horsemeat once.... luckily I remained stable![]()
Keith - Administrator
I'm now wondering whether my budget biscuits will test positive for cardboard and wood chippings.
Lord knows what the 'chocolate chips' are.![]()
Now I know why I keep trying to jump over all the fences I see![]()
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