Most of us do get bored sometimes specially those who are waiting for visa updates and brp's (im definitely one of the few whose waiting). Would be lovely though to work but not allowed yet, arent we? Its a challenge for me to keep me self busy everyday as husband's away from 8am-5pm everyday to work. I like to keep myself occupied and busy for me to be able to forget and be away on homesickness.

I like doing house chores, I like ironing, I like cleaning the oven, tidying up, I like photography, I like crafts and I like playing games on my pad like Candy Crush, Hay Day, Bejeweled and Bubble Witch saga. I like shopping (thrift shopping and cheap goods only) and I like wondering round the web. I go Zumba every friday and walking in the afternoon. I like looking for places that we can visit on a weekend to try new things and start planning, I also like watching few programs in BBC 1 in the morning and evening. Documentaries are best but I like Eastenders as well.

How about you? What makes yourself busy? Want to share some tips and ideas? Would be great help for other members as well. xxx