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Thread: Family Visit Visa..please help!

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Neil30's Avatar
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    Family Visit Visa..please help!

    Hi guys, I have been a member here for a while but this is my first post..
    We recently got married in Mandaue City, Cebu..26th January.. and are dismayed at the spouse visa regulations (like a lot of us are!) I only earn £10,500 before tax so there is no chance of being granted a spouse visa anytime soon..I am looking for another job to boost my salary past the required amount. I will need to work a 12-hour plus day - but that's another story ..

    We are wondering if Armelyn would be eligible to come here on a family visit visa to visit me and my family for 6 months?? Does anyone know the requirements for this please? As I said..I plan to boost my salary to the requirement but we cannot be together for at least a year due to the having to be in employment for 6 months rule, so we want to use the family visit visa so she can sample life here in UK and we can be together again.

    Please can anyone tell us what we need to have a successful application, as in..what documents we need, how much money we need, who needs to have the money, the accommodation when she is here? It is all so very confusing

    Many, many thanks in advance for any advice and help you can offer..

    Best Regards,
    Neil and Armelyn

  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    She can visit you using a family visit visa yes, as you're her husband. Have a look at this link, it'll explain more.

  3. #3
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    A visit visa is low cost and fast in UKBA decision making.
    Please make a search here in the forum there's plenty of sound advice and details on whats required.

    For you both one of the biggest issues will be how to convince the ECO that on the basis of probabilities she will have more compelling reasons to return home than to stay in UK

    In these days it may be quite a challenge for you both.
    But anyway due to the low risk low cost it's always worth the effort.

    By the way, have you considered the EEA route to bring your wife to UK??
    Again make a search here in the forum and see if that might be a better alternative for you.

    Welcome aboard, hope you'll enjoy your stay and find possibilities for you future.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Neil30's Avatar
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    Thank you melovesengland and galing Mr Terpe..we use the UKBA website to get all our info but sometimes it is very confusing kasi they not give all the info we require.. i search for the EEA route but i could not find anything here or there. can i ask what this is?? i think it is living in a EU country until Armelyn (Armie) is granted citizenship there? we would consider this as it would take so long to be able to get spouse visa here. she is a teacher but i am considered unskilled so can anyone suggest a suitable country for us to research? i am thinking the good ol' emerald isle kasi it is close to uk and english speaking too,has anyone any experience about this?
    i am more optimistic of our future together becomes easy to lose hope due to the bobo rules here but sana we can be together soon again
    once again many thanks for your replies

    Neil and Armie

  5. #5
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    If you have questions about the UKBA website or need any clarifications on their requirements you'll find folks here are always willing to share with you.

    There's such a lot of really detailed and up-to-date information here in the forum. It's well worth browsing the sub-forums or please persevere with searches.

    Regarding the EEA Route.
    Here's a pretty informative thread to start you off called EEA Route

    You'll find tons of great links within the posts too

    The so-called EEA route is nowhere near as complicated as you thought.

    By the way, don't give up on that visit visa it's cheap and easy to apply with a quick turnaround by UKBA
    Even a first refusal can be helpful as UKBA will formally tell you why the application was refused. Means a great opportunity to counter that reason on the next application.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    there is a risk she will be refused a visit visa because your applying for the wrong visa, if your married why would she be visiting you and not a settlement visa. UKBA might say she will not return before her visa expires and so refuse the visa.

    but its probably worth taking the risk it doesn't cost much, but don't expect to get one , thou you might be lucky

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    i wonder if UKBA would refuse if you simply put--applying for family visit visa because we dont qualify for a spouse visa--on the earnings rule---and half a loaf is better than none.

    after all--your wife will not be allowed to work--or claim any benefits---so--what has the UK got to lose?

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    i wonder if UKBA would refuse if you simply put--applying for family visit visa because we dont qualify for a spouse visa--on the earnings rule---and half a loaf is better than none.

    after all--your wife will not be allowed to work--or claim any benefits---so--what has the UK got to lose?
    probably because why would his wife go back if she got here on a visit visa

  9. #9
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Neil30's Avatar
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    we will apply for family visit visa soon after we talked about it bigmac said,we plan to explain that as we cannot qualify for spouse visa right now and will not be able to for some time,we would like Armie to come here to sample life in uk so when she finally comes here to stay for good,she will know what to expect.. we are not getting our hopes up coz it is possible they will refuse due to the fact we are husband and wife and are applying for the wrong visa in their eyes but hey-ho,we can only try.
    we are researching the EEA route din..salamat Terpe for your link.. as i am classed as a unskilled worker so this is harder than first thought but hopefully we can find a way.i would prefer this route to be honest as i hate this government at the moment,they are making things impossible for us,all you need is love...and £18,400! grrrrrrr

    thanks for all your replies guys

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    probably because why would his wife go back if she got here on a visit visa

    dohhh--now why didnt i think of that.

    ok--so--what if the wife does overstay--how many such wives do?--how many get caught?--how many get chucked out? is it 1000's? 100's? tens? --any? and waht if they start a family in the meantime?

    are there any real facts to answer this?

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Neil30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    Originally Posted by bigmac
    i wonder if UKBA would refuse if you simply put--applying for family visit visa because we dont qualify for a spouse visa--on the earnings rule---and half a loaf is better than none.

    after all--your wife will not be allowed to work--or claim any benefits---so--what has the UK got to lose?
    probably because why would his wife go back if she got here on a visit visa

    dohhh--now why didnt i think of that.

    ok--so--what if the wife does overstay--how many such wives do?--how many get caught?--how many get chucked out? is it 1000's? 100's? tens? --any? and waht if they start a family in the meantime?

    are there any real facts to answer this? would be very tempting for armie to overstay if we could get her here but that is not our intention coz it would only harm our chances of getting spouse visa in the future of course.. i have watched programmes on the tv here about chinese, pakistani, afghan people overstaying by like 5-10 years before they get caught! but im sure if we tried this it would be weeks, days probably before the police were at our door..such is our luck at the moment wife would not even entertain doing something illegal to get here so i will not tell her about this idea
    we still think the EEA route seems the easiest to do but applying for family visit will be our next move..and as Terpe said,if we get refused they will tell us why so we can then try again after fixing whatever problem they say we have
    so frustrating

  12. #12
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    well Neil30 --you say in your OP you have been on this forum a while--and you married in january----so--is it reasonable to assume you were aware of the rules that came in last july?

    for the life of me i cant see any harm in your wife joining you for 6 months--in which time-hopefully--you can afford to support her --whilst boosting your income. but--bear in mind the costs of bringing her over here--that will knock a hole in your income. (as i said before--she wont be allowed to work--or get any state help )

    as regards the EEA route--how would you propose to support yourself?--some EEA countries are in an even worse financial mess than here.-----thats why so many are flooding into this country.

  13. #13
    Respected Member angellegwen's Avatar
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    hi Neil,

    in my own opinion, I'd rather you stay here work and save money, boost your savings until you reached the required minimum income is met. And since your wife is a teacher (at the same time gaining experience in the future when she's here and is allowed to work), maybe she can also help by working for the meantime while waiting in the Philippines and save as well or at least to make herself independent by not draining your savings as much as possible. Then by the time you saved enough then you can apply for a spouse visa.

    Why I think you shouldn't go for a visit visa?

    =because id say if you're gonna work let say 12 hours a day, then your not gonna see each other that much in a day and she will just get bored aside from that, it will also double your expenses as she won't be allowed to work here.

    =and maybe you will get denied for the visa because
    1. the financial status (might not be considered enough to support you both during her visit)

    2. you/her might not be able to convinced them that she's going back to the Phils. especially you're married and if you apply family visit visa they might think why not spousal? "u said bec of financial so u cant get a spousal and they would probably think then why apply for a visit visa even with your current financial status?", and it goes back to your wife if she goes would really goes back to the Phils.

    3. and i think its just a waste of money if your trying to do the spousal visa in the end. (i know its not really a waste to be with your wife but whats with a lil bit of sacrifice for now). See with the no2 reasons, if for instance you'll get denied then even for a let say cheap expenses on applying a visit visa would still be a waste if its denied.

    From the day that you start earning £18,600 a year then it will only be 6 months from that day that you'll have the bank statements to support your application and the money to pay for the application and her flight and other expenses (like clothing, food,going in and around and eating in and around ) know.

    It sounds so complicated...i hope it helps you and your wife. \in the end its your decission to make . Best wishes to you both.
    Always look on the bright side of life

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    of course apply for the visit visa its not a lot to risk or lose.
    i don't know if telling them that you cant get your wife here because you cant apply for a spouse visa is a good idea thou,thou honesty is usually the best policy

    if you did get your wife here and she overstayed i would have thought UKBA will make it difficult for your wife to get any legal status in the UK, probably refuse any visa applications you make.

    thou if she was pregnant and the child was born here, then she might be granted what use to be known as discretionary leave, but that means if i remember correctly its 10yrs on FLR before she could get ILR .

    so try the visit visa, if she gets it make sure she goes back within the 6 months, i don't think its worth the time, money and stress if she overstays, wondering each day if you will get a deportation notice

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    thou if she was pregnant and the child was born here, then she might be granted what use to be known as discretionary leave,

    hmmmm. interesting point. so--any baby would have a UK passport--? so--entitled to all benefits--but not the mother? ---- i wonder how many have tried this route?

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    thou if she was pregnant and the child was born here, then she might be granted what use to be known as discretionary leave,

    hmmmm. interesting point. so--any baby would have a UK passport--? so--entitled to all benefits--but not the mother? ---- i wonder how many have tried this route?
    some illegals, failed asylum seekers, criminals etc.. called 'right to access a child' or ' best interest of a child'

    there are many cases..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    thou if she was pregnant and the child was born here, then she might be granted what use to be known as discretionary leave,

    hmmmm. interesting point. so--any baby would have a UK passport--? so--entitled to all benefits--but not the mother? ---- i wonder how many have tried this route?
    I do hope you're not serious

  18. #18
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    I do hope you're not serious

    of course i am--just asking a question

  19. #19
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angellegwen View Post

    And since your wife is a teacher (at the same time gaining experience in the future when she's here and is allowed to work)
    Experience may be vital in order to be able to work as a teacher in the UK. But, it is not as easy as what some people think. First of all, a degree earned in the Philippines is not considered a degree here . And most universities doesn't allow credit transfers (basically start from the beginning, if you want to be a qualified teacher here). I think it would be a good investment if she does further studies in the Philippines (as it is cheap there) and it will be like hitting two birds at a time. First, having a permanent work while enriching professional development through further studies might convince the ECO that she wouldn't be overstaying here (if you insist in applying for a visit visa.) The other part is getting better job prospects once you are able to bring her here permanently.

    Best wishes
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  20. #20
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angellegwen View Post
    hi Niel,

    in my own opinion, I'd rather you stay here work and save money, boost your savings until you reached the required minimum income is met. And since your wife is a teacher (at the same time gaining experience in the future when she's here and is allowed to work), maybe she can also help by working for the meantime while waiting in the Philippines and save as well or at least to make herself independent by not draining your savings as much as possible. Then by the time you saved enough then you can apply for a spouse visa.

    Why I think you shouldn't go for a visit visa?

    =because id say if you're gonna work let say 12 hours a day, then your not gonna see each other that much in a day and she will just get bored aside from that, it will also double your expenses as she won't be allowed to work here.

    =and maybe you will get denied for the visa because
    1. the financial status (might not be considered enough to support you both during her visit)

    2. you/her might not be able to convinced them that she's going back to the Phils. especially you're married and if you apply family visit visa they might think why not spousal? "u said bec of financial so u cant get a spousal and they would probably think then why apply for a visit visa even with your current financial status?", and it goes back to your wife if she goes would really goes back to the Phils.

    3. and i think its just a waste of money if your trying to do the spousal visa in the end. (i know its not really a waste to be with your wife but whats with a lil bit of sacrifice for now). See with the no2 reasons, if for instance you'll get denied then even for a let say cheap expenses on applying a visit visa would still be a waste if its denied.

    From the day that you start earning £18,600 a year then it will only be 6 months from that day that you'll have the bank statements to support your application and the money to pay for the application and her flight and other expenses (like clothing, food,going in and around and eating in and around ) know.

    It sounds so complicated...i hope it helps you and your wife. \in the end its your decission to make . Best wishes to you both.
    I wouldnt worry with ur reasons yet gwen.

    1st- i came here in 2011 for a visit visa and my husband now was working full time but we get time for eachother still. dont forget they are entitled for holidays at work, so that could work for you niel.

    2nd- there is no financial requirement for visit visa. as long as you can provide documents that shows you are working, have savings plus accomodation and confident enough to support his wifes needs for 6 months without recourse to public funds then that should be fine. if they have valid reason that may convince the eco that his wife will return to the pi on or before the visas expiry date then there would be no problem. thats the main challenge.

    i would still suggest to try and go for the family visit visa still, being your wife is a teacher you can then use her profession as the one of the reasons for instance why she cant stay further in britain. of course docus needs to be provided to prove that she is working. like sir terpe said, its a low cost and fast decision making. who knows, you might be lucky enough to convince the eco. goodluck neil.

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    I do hope you're not serious

    what i was trying to establish--is this:-

    if the OP is successful in getting his new bride over on a family visit visa--for 6 months---then its not beyond the bounds of possibility they might start a family in that time.

    then what happens? can the wife apply for an extension to her visa?

    if i were the father--i would want my child to be born in my country--and have a UK passport.

    so--then what happens--the new mother gets chucked out?

    does anyone on here have a definite answer to this?

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    does anyone on here have a definite answer to this?
    why would you want to go down that route, life would be so difficult for you both, it is not worth it. at best i think she would be granted flr in a 10yr category, that's a 5yr longer wait than if you don't try to bend the rules.

    you'll be in limbo wondering if your going to be deported, this could drag on for a long time

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    i'm not suggesting it--just trying to clarify the situation. lets face it--this £18600 rule has created an enormous problem for a lot of people--me included. i know if i could marry my partner--who has been back in the phils 6 months now----i would try every trick in the book to get her back with me.

  24. #24
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    lets face it--this £18600 rule has created an enormous problem for a lot of people--me included
    That is indeedly right, no good nagging about that all day because it wont change, thats the rules whether we like it or not we havent got the choice. It will just get worse every year I suppose. Like what you have said, lets face it. Take it or leave it.

  25. #25
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Pay attention to what, Angel, Melovesengland and Terpe have suggested and the best of luck to you and your wife Neil

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    --i would try every trick in the book to get her back with me.
    in the long run that could cost you dearly, go by the rules

    your best option is to find a part time job if your current job doesn't pay enough, i know its easier to say than do

  27. #27
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    i'm not suggesting it--just trying to clarify the situation. lets face it--this £18600 rule has created an enormous problem for a lot of people--me included. i know if i could marry my partner--who has been back in the phils 6 months now----i would try every trick in the book to get her back with me.
    The £18600 rule is supposed to create a enormous problem. Thats why they made it.

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    The £18600 rule is supposed to create a enormous problem. Thats why they made it.

    and thats why i'm trying to find a loophole. simples

    no good nagging about that all day because it wont change, thats the rules whether we like it or not we havent got the choice

    and did these new rules apply to you--by any chance?

  29. #29
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post

    2nd- there is no financial requirement for visit visa. as long as you can provide documents that shows you are working, have savings plus accomodation and confident enough to support his wifes needs for 6 months without recourse to public funds then that should be fine. if they have valid reason that may convince the eco that his wife will return to the pi on or before the visas expiry date then there would be no problem. thats the main challenge.
    just on reading the above, if this is the conditions they look for to approve visit visa, then with regard to supporting spouse for 6 mths, with no financial requirement,

    it makes a mockery of the visa requirements for spouse,

    anyway regardless of how i interpret this,
    i say go for it the visit visa, as everyone says theres nothing to lose,

    good luck Neil

  30. #30
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    more infos about family visit visa on this link.

    You must also be able to show that:

    you are 18 or over;
    you intend to visit the UK for no more than 6 months (or 12 months if you will be accompanying an academic visitor);
    you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit;
    you have enough money to support and accommodate yourself without working or help from public funds, or you and any dependants will be supported and accommodated by relatives or friends;
    you can meet the cost of the return or onward journey; and
    you are not in transit to a country outside the 'Common Travel Area' (Ireland, the UK, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands).

    Documents that may needed.

    You must decide which documents will best support your application. We advise you to consider providing documents that contain:

    information about you
    information about your finances and employment
    your accommodation and travel details
    information about your visit to the UK

    They didnt state anything about annual income on both links.

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