hi Niel,
in my own opinion, I'd rather you stay here work and save money, boost your savings until you reached the required minimum income is met. And since your wife is a teacher (at the same time gaining experience in the future when she's here and is allowed to work), maybe she can also help by working for the meantime while waiting in the Philippines and save as well or at least to make herself independent by not draining your savings as much as possible. Then by the time you saved enough then you can apply for a spouse visa.
Why I think you shouldn't go for a visit visa?
=because id say if you're gonna work let say 12 hours a day, then your not gonna see each other that much in a day and she will just get bored aside from that, it will also double your expenses as she won't be allowed to work here.
=and maybe you will get denied for the visa because
1. the financial status (might not be considered enough to support you both during her visit)
2. you/her might not be able to convinced them that she's going back to the Phils. especially you're married and if you apply family visit visa they might think why not spousal? "u said bec of financial so u cant get a spousal and they would probably think then why apply for a visit visa even with your current financial status?", and it goes back to your wife if she goes would really goes back to the Phils.
3. and i think its just a waste of money if your trying to do the spousal visa in the end. (i know its not really a waste to be with your wife but whats with a lil bit of sacrifice for now). See with the no2 reasons, if for instance you'll get denied then even for a let say cheap expenses on applying a visit visa would still be a waste if its denied.
From the day that you start earning £18,600 a year then it will only be 6 months from that day that you'll have the bank statements to support your application and the money to pay for the application and her flight and other expenses (like clothing, food,going in and around and eating in and around

)...you know.
It sounds so complicated...i hope it helps you and your wife. \in the end its your decission to make

. Best wishes to you both.