If you own an iPhone 4S on Vodafone and are thinking of upgrading to iOS 6.1 then hold it! Vodafone has sent out text messages warning that the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system impacts your handset's 3G performance.

The bug only seems to affect the iPhone 4S, according to a post in the Vodafone forum. Apple is working on a fix, according to the post, though there's no word on when it could reach disgruntled customers.

"Some customers may occasionally experience difficulty in connecting to the network to make or receive calls or texts or to connect to the Internet," the post reads. "Apple is working on a solution to their software issue. These connection problems are intermittent."

The text message reads: "If you've not already downloaded iOS 6.1 for your iPhone 4S, please hold off for the next version while Apple fixes 3G performance issues. Thanks."

read more here .. http://crave.cnet.co.uk/mobiles/voda...-6-1-50010386/