Wikipilipinas.Org, the Hip n’ Free Philippine Encyclopedia, will be having a system upgrade in order to improve the readers’ browsing experiencing.

The website is being transferred to a larger server in order to accommodate higher traffic. During this time, users may experience technical difficulties like slower loading rate or be denied access to site, most especially during the hours between 5 a.m. and 1 p.m., from February 6-28.

“We understand that this huge traffic we are getting from our readers only means that we are doing the right thing in providing them the information they need for their research, homeworks, among others,” said Gem Mallorca, WikiPilipinas Project Lead.

“We can only interpret this as a strong demand from our readers for a more efficient browsing experience.”

“For now, we can only appeal to our readers to please bear with the inconvenience as we are doing its best to provide our users quality and reliable information,” Mallorca added.

Meanwhile, as the country’s leading online encyclopedia and a prime leader on promoting digital education, WikiPilipinas will be launching its first voters’ awareness campaign.

“#KnowYourCandidate is the WikiPilipinas’ initiative to change the mindset of the electorate, so they can choose who to vote for based on the candidate’s track record and not merely on namerecall and popularity, Mallorca explained.

“The electorate is evolving, and we intend to use this campaign to play an active role in educating our voters.”

#KnowYourCandidate will be launched on March 4 and will feature the profiles of the senatorial candidates, focusing on their track record and campaign platforms.

WikiPilipinas envisions these profiles as the most comprehensive and the most objective profiles of the candidates.
