Hi All,
I've been an avid reader of the site for a few months now. Majority of reasons being that there seems to be a plethora of information on Visa applications etc.
I've been living in Cebu for 2.5 years but have worked and have had numerous vacations here since 2008.
I am currently living with my GF of 2.5 years and had us both visit to the UK in December 2012 so that she could meet my parents and have a taste of the UK. Not the best time of year to visit, but if you can enjoy UK in the cold winter months then for sure you will have a blast come UK summertime (oh, how i miss the 10pm sunsets....).
I did not post any queries on the Visa application threads during the UK Visitor visa application (which was easy by the way, thanks to this site) as all the necessary questions had already been asked and all the necessary information had been provided already. I'm extremely grateful to all those who contribute information for others on the forums here and i have since felt it necessary to join and convey my thanks. So a BIG THANK YOU!!!
Well, anyway, i have been in this relationship for a few years, things feel right, she has met the parents.....hmmm, only one thing left to do!! We have both discussed at length how our lives can progress together. We both agree that we would like to live permanently in the UK at some stage so that also brought me back to the site to check on more details on marriage etc. I'm sure i will have one or two questions arising soon!
Anyway, my goal, all things going well, is to be with my future asawa in Ol' Blighty by the end of 2013 celebrating Christmas. Wish me luck!!