Yes its a good service and i am not knocking what it gives us, but there has to be changers sooner then later.
Every goverment that comes in says its got to change and they either say cuts or put more into it, but it dont seem to get any better.
My bros mum in law is 89 and the last few months has suddenly started going down hill, so the other day she was taken to hospital, she has water on her lungs and her heart is not as strong, after sitting in a wheelchair for over 4 hours before seeing a doctor, and the response was there is nothing we can do,
You cannot blame the doctor who said this, he was still there after 16 hours shift, they should have been two of them but the other one is sick and the nurses too are all doing their best,
That is one side of the NHS and here is the other side,
My other brother is not well, kidney stones and over weight and cannot walk very far with out stopping and whats he stopping for, A FAG
He is doing the staffs head in and my family too, they are trying to help him but he needs his fags every 10 mins and there is nothing they can do to stop him walking out for him smoke other then say go home
Two sides to the nhs from the same family, someone who needs help and dont cause a problem and but all they can do is make her comfortable, and then there is my brother,
just me moaning