I personally wouldn’t consider “ never coming back “ to the UK under any circumstances, and can’t comment on how much would be needed to live in the Philippines.
Naturally I am concerned with health !
• The Philippine Heart Center “ Surgical Package Deal “ states what is – and is not – included. ( Includes cost of hospitalization for specified number of days, medications, operating room and professional fees. Does not include cost of blood and/or screening of blood products and cost of Intra Aortic Balloon, Graft for Peripheral Vascular Bypass, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pacemaker, Introducer Sheaths, and Complications of Surgery.)
• I’ve said before ( in the context of “health tourism “ -
elective health care abroad ) : -
• Do your research into the clinic / hospital, including language used / communication / costs.
• Have a full consultation with the doctor or dentist.
• Consider aftercare such as corrective treatment.
• Consider travel risks such as air travel after surgery.
• Many insurers won't cover planned treatment abroad.
• The UK has reciprocal healthcare agreements with a few non-EEA countries, but not the Philippines. Travel insurance is vital for short visits, and local health insurance ( such as “ PhilHealth “ ) desirable for living there permanently.
• If you choose to live in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland on a permanent basis, you MAY be entitled to healthcare paid by the UK, for example if you're receiving a UK state pension or long-term incapacity benefit.
• Of course none of us know what health problems - especially emergencies - we may have in the future. Paying for the NHS through taxation means the less healthy get their money’s worth at the expense of the healthy. “ Cost “ of health can’t just be measured in financial terms ! True, we will all die eventually, but good diet, exercise, moderate alcohol intake and not smoking improve our chances of NOT suffering ill health and its consequences ... wherever we live.